1 Arcana - Illusion
The caster creates an illusion that replaces any object. The illusion must be approximately the same shape as the object. The object, like the illusion, must not exceed a size of meters corresponding to the Power of the spell. The duration of the effect is 4W6 minutes.
Origin: WizardrySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 4d6 minutes
3 Light - Illusion
In the magician's field of vision, a glitter is created anywhere on an area 10*Power centimeters square. The glitter can take any shape and color. The glitter remains for __Power__W6 minutes.
Origin: WizardrySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 200
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power d6 minutes
5 Arcana - Illusion
The great illusion! Within a radius of Power*20 steps around the wizard, everything begins to deform. Familiar objects become strange artifacts, walls bend to impossible angles, and living creatures transform into other-like creatures. The zone of illusion remains in the place where it was created. The spell lasts (Power*2)W6 minutes.
Origin: WizardrySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 0
Shape: Sphere
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*2 d6 minutes (Needs concentration)
Ogre's breath
3 Nature - Illusion
The magician creates a cloud of any odor, which spreads over an area of Power*50 step. The smell remains even after the spell is finished, but the spell is active for __Power__W6 minutes. The cloud can only be controlled within the spell duration and is driven by the wind afterwards.
Origin: WizardrySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 2
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 1
Duration: Power d6 minutes
5 Light - Illusion
The caster conjures a simulacrum of a creature that appears deceptively real. The illusion remains for power rounds. A successful roll on Perception against the power of the spell allows it to be recognised as an illusion.
Origin: WizardrySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
5 Light - Illusion
The caster summons an exact replica of himself that moves in his vicinity for 3 combat rounds, confusing attackers. For the duration of the spell's effect, the caster's Evasion is increased by power.
Origin: WizardrySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 3 rounds
2 Nature - Illusion
The magician creates the illusion that a creature no more than 50 paces away is farting loudly enough to be heard from afar. In addition to the obvious noise, a distinctive odour also spreads away from the person.
The greater the power of the spell, the more noticeable the flatulence.
Origin: WizardrySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 50
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Defenseless figure
5 Arcana - Illusion
The caster appears absolutely harmless for 5*Power minutes. Depending on the appearance, he appears like a frail old, sick man, a defenseless woman or similar.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 5*Power minutes
5 Light - Control
The caster is able to get ahead of effects that have taken place in a range of 15 steps in approx. Power*2 seconds. It is possible for him to catch a glass even though it shatters on the ground.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Detect magician
3 Arcana - Divination
The caster can detect the magical talent and alignment of a person in his field of vision. The observed person rolls a WillPower roll. If he achieves success according to the Power of the spell, his magical talent remains hidden.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 200
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Protection wall
5 Earth - Conjuration
The caster creates a protective wall around himself that offers protection to the caster according to the Power of the spell.
The wall can withstand Power*2 wounds. The protective wall can only be damaged by magical weapons or spells, in this way it can be worn down to 0 prematurely.
The wall remains Power combat rounds.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Banish lower undead
9 Light - Abjuration
The caster's hand releases a flash of bright white light that strikes up to Power undead. These immediately shatter, leaving nothing but a smoking pile of bones. The spell only works on lower undead like zombies, skeletons, or lower vampires. To higher undead, such as higher vampires or were-creatures, it inflicts significant damage (Power*3 wounds).
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Logic
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Banish magic
3 Arcana - Abjuration
The caster creates a Power*2 meter magic spell circle. No magic or magical action can be cast within this circle. Existing spells expire immediately, with the exception of the spell "Banish Magic".
The circle remains in place for 5 minutes.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Logic
Range: 0
Shape: Circle
Actions: 1
Duration: 5 minutes
Fast as light
11 Light - Transmutation
The caster begins to run at a speed equal to that of light. To bystanders, he seems to vanish into thin air, but in reality he sprints at incredible speed, perceiving his surroundings as if he were merely running fast. It is possible for the caster to run over any walkable terrain, for example, he can cross an entire continent in the time of a blink of an eye. It is not possible for him to perform any other action while running.
The spell lasts for one second.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Banish higher undead
13 Light - Abjuration
From the hands of the caster a glaring white wall of light emerges, which glides towards an undead. The undead flares up in flames and suffers unimaginable agonies (it is said that he goes through all the agonies of his victims at once). Apart from a pile of ashes, nothing remains of the higher undead. The wall of light has a width of about Power*3 meters, it is also possible to destroy several lower undead that are hit by the wall, but only one higher undead. Other higher undead that are next to the victim suffer Power*2 wounds.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Logic
Range: 0
Shape: Wall
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Good friend
7 Mind - Control
The caster makes the victim believe that he is a good friend of his, even one of his best. He willingly tells him everything he would tell his best friend. After the spell is finished, the victim cannot explain why he did it.
The victim of the spell rolls on his willPower. If he achieves successes equal to the Power of the spell, the spell has failed and the victim has knowledge of the enchantment attempt.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*2 d6 minutes
Banish ghosts
5 Arcana - Abjuration
The caster banishes up to Power ghostly creatures that are in a defined area (house/temple/forest). He must at least mentally fix the ghosts.
The ghosts roll dice according to their remaining wounds. If they achieve as many successes as the Power of the spell, they remain unaffected by the spell.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Logic
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Terrifying figure
3 Mind - Illusion
The caster appears before the bystanders as a fearsome magician. Lightning flashes around him and wind swells his clothes. Anyone intending to approach the caster must pass a WillPower roll with Power successes.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*2 d6 minutes (Needs concentration)
Neron Statue
3 Light - Illusion
The spellcaster makes a transparent statue appear, shaped after the model - a statue of the young Neron in the center of the Neronite settlement. Due to the fact that no Neronite has ever seen the living Neron, the statue appears static and lifeless. Depending on the will of the caster, the statue has a size from 10cm to life-size.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 hours
Detect black mage
3 Mind - Divination
The magus can detect the disposition and alignment of any mage he sees for up to 1d6 days. If a mage obstructs this examination by his Magic Lore, the White Mage still examines his spirit value. The spell is designed primarily against its black magic counterpart, White Mage; it neutralizes that spell completely.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1d6 days
End transformation
5 Blood - Transmutation
The caster banishes a transformation taking place in front of him. The transformer may roll his Magic Lore value against the caster's spell, increasing the minimum roll of the spell by the power of the "End Transmutation" spell. If the roll shows a success, the transformation remains.
Origin: White MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Summon nightmare
5 Mind - Conjuration
The caster summons an alp, a spirit creature that haunts its victims in their sleep. The alp has no shape, and can change places at will and without loss of time. The spirit is not under the control of the caster. If the alp is to perform a service, a successful charm roll is required. If this fails, the alp will disappear as soon as possible.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 nights
7 Mind - Control
The caster can make the victim carry out a command of the caster.
The command transmitted by the caster manifests itself as a "fixed idea" in the mind of the controlled. During the duration of the spell, this idea keeps entering the mind of the victim, as long as the victim does not give in to it, and sometimes it can even disturb his concentration on other things.
The caster can make the controlled do things that are not immediately life-threatening to him or go against his innermost principles. For example, a mage cannot be made to burn valuable books, but a paid henchman can be made to betray his master, or a mercenary to change sides in battle.
The spell lasts for Power minutes. Once a minute, the victim casts on his willPower. If it achieves less than the Power of the spell, it is convinced of the fixed idea and performs it.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes (Needs concentration)
Blood thorns
7 Blood - Conjuration
The caster causes dark thorns to sprout from the ground within a predetermined Strength*2 metre radius. Anyone standing in the area at the end of their own combat round takes Strength hits.
The blood thorns remain for 3 combat rounds before turning into a black, stinking pulp.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 20
Shape: Circle
Actions: 1
Duration: 3 rounds
Blood flow
7 Blood - Transmutation
The victim rears up while a torrent of blood seeps out of his body through all pores at lightning speed. The victim takes one wound per combat round, and the spell lasts for Power combat rounds.
At the end of the combat round, the victim rolls on his strength. If it reaches as many successes as the spell has Power, the spell ends immediately.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds (Needs concentration)
One with the shadows
5 Light - Enchantment
As long as the enchanted person remains in the shadow, he is difficult to make out. He can then only be recognized as a deeper shadow within the shadow itself.
When he stands still, he will only be spotted by those who specifically look for him and look directly at him. For this, Power successes must be achieved on a Perception roll.
If the enchanted person moves slowly, the number of successes to be achieved is halved, while fast movements can be seen without difficulty.
The spell lasts for Power minutes.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
Night creature
5 Light - Enchantment
Once the sun has set, the enchanted person barely makes a sound when walking (the Stealth skill is increased by the Power of the spell) and can see in the dark as if it were daytime.
The spell lasts for one night.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: 1 nights
Voice of hate
11 Mind - Control
The caster whispers something in the ear of the first victim.
The victim is infused with hatred and feels the desire to carry the spell further by targeting more victims up to Power. Thus, the hatred builds up more and more.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Vision of fear
7 Mind - Enchantment
The victim feels cruel images of distorted worlds, which he perceives as a vision. More and more, however, it seems to him as reality. If a WillPower roll fails, the victim is in danger of going insane for a short time.
The spell lasts for Power minutes.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
Tongues of Seth'Nra
5 Demonic - Conjuration
In a circle of Power meters in diameter, Power tentacle-like black tongues grow out of the ground, holding creatures of any kind. Touching the tentacles decreases the held's arcana value by one point per combat round. Physical damage does not occur. The tentacles have 3 possible wounds. If they are not destroyed, they remain indefinitely.
Origin: Black MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 10
Shape: Circle
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Flaming death
7 Fire - Damage
At a distance of no more than 10 meters a blazing fire is created that causes one wound per combat round on an area of Power meters squared. The fire is not magical and burns until it consumes its food, without combustible material Power combat rounds.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Ice shard
5 Water - Transmutation
The caster creates a small ice shard in his hand, which flies towards the victim at a fast speed, hitting him in a place of free skin. The shard penetrates deep into the skin, but then melts immediately, leaving not even a wound.
After a minute, the hit part of the body cools down so much that the victim can hardly use it. There is also no feeling left in the corresponding body part. The victim does not take any damage, all actions with the body part reduce the skill/attribute values by half.
The effect lasts Power*2 minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*2 minutes
Wild Growth
3 Nature - Conjuration
The caster creates unnaturally fast growth of plants. Within a radius of max Power meters, natural and unnatural plants are created that can burrow through the ground, penetrate walls, and burst steel. The plant growth persists for a day, after which the plants decay into a stinking something.
The caster cannot control the growth of the plants.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 days
Shard Storm
9 Earth - Damage
Splinters form in the caster's palm and fly towards the target at high speed. At an angle of 45°, the splinters cause a total of Strength*3 hits and cause major structural damage to solid objects.
If living creatures are hit, the game master distributes the damage among the victims.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 10
Shape: Cone
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
5 Air - Conjuration
The caster blurs against the background. Only a slight flicker in the air reveals the presence of an object at the spot. If the caster moves, the visual shield moves as well. Detecting the unusual glimmer requires a Perception roll, which achieves successes according to the Power of the spell.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
7 Nature - Transmutation
On an area of Power__W6 square meters at a distance of 2 steps, the ground liquefies. After __Power minutes, the ground solidifies again within three seconds.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 2
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
5 Demonic - Conjuration
For Power combat rounds, the caster's breath is a foul, demonic surge which has a range of 2 meters and inflicts one wound per combat round to anyone within the cloud.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 2
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Veil of mist
5 Water - Conjuration
From the ground around the caster, as he raises his arms, a dense fog rises, obstructing vision and muffling sounds. The cloud of mist has a diameter of Power*3 meters and a height of about 3 meters. The higher the Power of the spell, the denser the fog cloud. The cloud is stationary and forms around the caster as the center.
The fog acts as an extension of the caster's senses through the magical connection to him. As long as he remains in the fog himself, he can instinctively perceive all movements within the cloud and better hear all sounds within it (Perception + 2).
Rumor has it that loud, manic laughter while summoning the fog increases its later, threatening effect. However, this can almost certainly be dismissed to the realm of myths and legends.
The fog cloud persists for Power minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
Arcane storm
7 Energy - Conjuration
Shortly after the invocation, a magical mist manifests directly above the caster, emitting lightning and creating a magical tension. The storm grows at a rate of one meter per combat round to a size of Power*5 meters, and can be controlled by the caster.
In the magical storm, each magic adept suffers one wound per combat round. In addition, no spellcaster is able to perform a magical action in the storm. Those not skilled in magic do not suffer any limitations.
The storm can be controlled at a speed of two meters per action. This control requires the caster to remain focused on the spell, which is not otherwise necessary.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Life Stream
5 Water - Healing Ritual
The caster completely undresses and lies face down in flowing water, which is so large that the caster is completely submerged in it. There he lets himself drift.
During the whole time of floating, the caster draws life energy from the river, and heals Power wounds in an hour. During this time he can not and does not have to breathe, and not perceive his environment.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Conscientiousness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 5
Duration: Instant
Charcoal stone
3 Energy - Transmutation
The caster can turn a diamond or gemstone of any size into a glowing piece of coal. The piece is equal to the size of the diamond and remains glowing for 1 hour. In the process, it is so hot that it ignites combustible materials. The purer the gemstone is, the hotter the piece of coal glows. An amber is not enough to ignite anything with the coal.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 nights
A fresh breeze
3 Air - Conjuration
A fresh breeze makes an encouraging and fresh breeze appear. In moments of hopelessness, the spell is the right thing to increase the enterprise of companions.
The wind sweeps across the land for about a minute within a radius of 100 meters, filling everyone it touches with new courage and freshness. Anyone within the radius heals Power wounds and receives a bonus of Power points to their bravery for the next two hours.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 minutes
9 Demonic - Damage
Der Begabte hat auf eine Pflanze oder ein Lebewesen zu spucken.
Solange das Opfer vom Speichel benetzt ist, fault das Fleisch oder die Pflanze immer weiter. Solange das Fleisch fault, verursacht der Zauber kumulativ eine Wunde in jeder 3. Kampfrunde. Endet der Zauber, so fault das Opfer nicht mehr weiter, verdorbenes Fleisch ist jedoch für immer verloren.
Der Zauber endet wenn der Speichel abgewaschen wurde oder nach Stärke Wunden.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: Instant
Leech tendrils
5 Demonic - Conjuration
The caster kneels on the ground, fixes the target with his gaze and slams the fingers of one hand into the ground.
Tendrils sprout from the fingers of the caster with breathtaking speed, growing under the surface of the earth towards the opponent. Under the ground, the tendrils move at a speed of 3 meters per combat round. As soon as the tendrils are under the opponent, they grow to the surface and entwine his legs, so that he can neither run nor fight without restrictions. His combat skills (hand to hand combat, shooting, throwing) are reduced by Power.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Ivy coat
5 Nature - Conjuration
The caster causes ivy tendrils to grow from the ground and entwine themselves around the caster's entire body, detaching them from the ground after growth so that the caster can move freely.
The tendrils provide the caster with 5 protection for Power combat rounds in combat.
They decay into a withered heap after one hour. Until then, the tendrils also give a bonus of Power to Stealth outside of combat depending on the environment.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 hours
Amber path
9 Nature - Transmutation
The caster places five amber crystals in the shape of a pentagram at the place where the amber portal is to be created and concentrates on the destination. Then, for one minute, he imagines a tunnel that will take him to this place.
The portal remains Power hours and can transport Power*2 people or animals.
At the location of the amber pentagram, an ivy plant begins to grow in a circle and form a vortex. The vortex forms a maw in the center which leads through a portal to a location known to the caster at a distance of 20 miles. When the caster enters the portal, he immediately appears on the other side at the destination.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 20
Duration: Power hours
Eye of Seth'Nra
7 Demonic - Transmutation
The caster takes one of his eyes out of the eye socket with two fingers and holds it on the flat of his hand.
The eye gets black outgrowths in the form of tentacles and wings and starts to fly by itself. It moves with the speed of 10 meters per second and has Power maximum wounds. If the eye is not back when the spell expires, it falls to the ground. In this case, the caster can retrieve and use it within half an hour.
If the eye is destroyed or lost, it withers and grows back only after 2D6 days. In this case, it causes 2 wounds to the caster once.
The spell lasts for Power*5 minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*5 minutes
Elemental Weapon
5 Energy - Transmutation
The character channels the magic of their favoured element into their melee weapon to strengthen it.
For the next two combat rounds, the weapon ignores the opponent's protection. In addition, attacks with the weapon have strength increased damage potential for the next two combat rounds.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 2 rounds
Arrow of wind
5 Air - Transmutation
You enchant one of your arrows with the element of wind. On a successfull cast your weapon can ignore armor. Your arrow impacts the enemy with such force that he needs Power checks equal to the Power of your spell or be knocked prone
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Avatar of the storm
15 Air - Conjuration
The caster consumes all his arcana and becomes the focus of a raging storm. For 3d6 + Arcana spent rounds, all surrounding creatures take electrical damage equal to the power of the spell.
All creatures within the area of effect must make a Athletics roll with 2 successes per round or be thrown to the ground by the raging wind.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 25
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 2
Duration: 3d6 + Arcana spent rounds
Chain lightning
5 Air - Damage
The caster summons the essence of a thunderstorm in his hand and hurls it as lightning at a creature. The creature struck suffers _Strength__ hits.
The lightning bounces off it and moves to the creature closest to the one hit. This receives strength-1 hit.
This process is repeated until the number of hits has fallen to 0.
The spell does not differentiate between friend and foe and only hits each victim once.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Small sandstorm
5 Air - Transmutation
The caster concentrates and stirs up dust, earth or sand within their line of sight. A small sandstorm 2 paces high and 2 paces wide forms for 1d4 rounds.
Anyone in the centre of the sandstorm must make a Perception check, with at least as many successes as the spell's power. Otherwise, they are blind for the duration of the spell, with all penalties to blindness.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 10
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 1
Duration: 1d4 rounds
Water breathing
5 Water - Transmutation
The caster says the words Þat mælti mín móðir, at mér skyldi kaupa fley ok fagrar árar.
The caster casts a spell on themselves or someone they can touch.
The enchanted person is able to breathe underwater for spell power *2 minutes. When the spell ends, the enchanted person must say something in their natural language to be able to breathe air again.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power * 2 minutes
Call elemental spirit
8 Mind - Conjuration Ritual
The caster places a little of the element whose elemental spirit is to be invoked in a bowl or on a surface of the opposite element. Then he kneels down in front of the bowl and invokes the powers of the element.
After about 30 minutes, the face of an elemental spirit appears in the element used. This can vary greatly depending on the element, so that anything from a face to a non-material appearance is possible. The elemental spirit has no feelings and no alignment, but it can only be controlled by the caster if the latter binds it (Bind Elemental Spirit).
The elemental spirit remains for power*2 minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: Power*2 minutes
Bind elemental spirit
5 Mind - Control
The caster points to the elemental spirit.
The caster can bind an elemental spirit (which must have already materialised) to him. If this is done, the elemental spirit follows any command of the caster. If the elemental spirit is already bound, the caster can only take over the elemental spirit with a magic duel by taking over the foreign spell. The caster binds the elemental spirit for power*2 minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*2 minutes
Elemental form
5 Nature - Transmutation
The caster touches the corresponding element, concentrates and murmurs "(element) become my body".
The caster's body transforms into the corresponding element, with all its advantages and disadvantages. It should be noted that clothing and equipment are not transformed and may be damaged. The spell can be dropped at any time. While the spell is being maintained, the caster cannot cast an elemental spell based on an element other than that of his body.
The spell lasts power*2 minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*2 minutes
Summon element
3 Nature - Conjuration
The caster closes his left hand into a fist.
In the fist of the caster a small occurrence of the element he wants to summon is created. This spell is mainly used in combination with the calling of an elemental spirit.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Elemental object
5 Nature - Transmutation
The caster focuses on the desired object in his mental eye, reaches into an object from a certain element (it is possible for him to simply slide his hand into the object during the spell) and pulls out the desired object.
The caster pulls an object of his choice from another object. Swords made of ice, drinking vessels made of wood, shields made of rock or water, etc. are possible. There are no limits to the caster's creativity, but he can only pull out one object at a time, which makes the creation of chains, for example, very time-consuming.
The item has its typical properties, plus the elemental component, so a sword made of fire inflicts fire damage on the victim, a sword made of wood receives no damage bonus. Only the caster does not receive this possible elemental damage. A drinking goblet of ice is very pleasant if one likes to enjoy very strongly chilled drinks, but it could freeze to the fingers and or lips of everyone else except the creator.
The spell can be dropped by the caster at any time. If the caster does not return the item to its place of origin when dropping the spell (e.g. does not put the wooden shield back into the tree) he receives a wound on the hand, possibly a few burn or frost blisters and the item dissolves.
The object remains power*10 minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 4
Duration: Power*10 minutes
Ginae's Call
2 Water - Healing
The caster instructs the person to be treated to remove their clothes and lie down in a flowing body of water. There the caster stands next to the person to be treated and places his hand on his head.
During the whole time of the drifting, the person to be treated draws life energy corresponding to power wounds per minute from the river. During this time he cannot and does not have to breathe. He is not aware of his surroundings. The caster must stand beside him during the entire time.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Conscientiousness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
5 Ice - Transmutation
The caster points his hand at the victim of the spell. Then he spreads his fingers and calls upon Jogran.
The caster creates a small shard of ice in his hand, which flies towards the victim with rapid speed, hitting him in a spot of free skin. The shard penetrates deep into the skin, but then melts immediately, leaving not even a wound.
In the next 5 minutes, the part of the body that was hit cools down so much that the victim can hardly use it. There is also no feeling left in the corresponding part of the body. The victim does not take damage, all actions with the body part reduce the skill/attribute values by half.
The cold remains power minutes.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
Grass ring
5 Earth - Healing
The spell caster creates a ring of grass that grows in the specified location within sight and is power metres in diameter. The grass emits a magical vapour, anyone who passes through the ring regenerates two wounds once and is Shocked 1.
The spell lasts for power combat rounds.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Conscientiousness
Range: 0
Shape: Circle
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Elemental shield
7 Fire - Transmutation
Der Zaubernde erschafft einen magischen Schild um seinen Körper mit seinem bevorzugten Element. Das Schild bietet dem Zaubernden im Kampf einen Schutz von 4 für Stärke Kampfrunden und einen zusätlichen Effekt abhängig vom Element:
Feuer: Angreifer müssen bei jedem Angriff einen W6 würfeln. bei 1-3 bekommen Sie den Zustand brennend 1. Bei Geschossen nicht magischer Art (Pfeile, Steinschleuder, Speere, etc) besteht auch eine 50%tige Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Projektile verbrennen und nicht durchdringen. Eis: : : :
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
5 Energy - Transmutation
Fires a bolt of pure energy at an enemy. The bolt deals __ Power__-3 hits and has a penetration 2. The victim gets Shocked 1 even if the spell does not cause any wounds.
Origin: Elemental MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Weather forcast
3 Nature - Divination Ritual
The caster is able to predict the weather for the next Power days. If the Power of the spell is above 3, he can always predict the weather changes with exact time, otherwise he only knows how the weather will develop.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: Instant
Call birds
3 Nature - Conjuration
The caster summons all birds within a radius of Power*100 meters, who believe that there is a large amount of their favorite food at the desired location. The caster cannot control the birds, but a trained observer is able to recognize the individual bird species.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
5 Nature - Control
The animal fully trusts the caster. For Power*5 minutes, the animal is considered a familiar. The animal may be a natural creature the size of a wolf. The animal must not be hostile to the caster for this spell.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 5
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*5 minutes
Locate animal
3 Nature - Divination Ritual
The caster goes to the natural habitat of an animal (e.g. a stream or a tree) and stays there for 5 minutes. During this time he directs his thoughts to the animal he is looking for.
The caster tracks down the exact location of the animal. He knows at that moment where the animal is.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Salamander feet
5 Nature - Transmutation
The caster is able to walk on hands and feet on smooth walls and even ceilings or overhangs.
In addition, he can safely jump down from heights up to Power*3 meters and land on his feet unharmed. However, he needs free hands to catch himself with. He can keep his shoes and gloves on for this.
The effect lasts for Power minutes.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
Call of the wild
3 Nature - Conjuration
The caster summons a group of a desired animal species from up to Power kilometers around. The animals behave like the caster's familiars for the duration of the spell.
When the spell expires, the caster casts on Charm. If the roll fails, the animals turn on the caster or his companions.
The caster can call up to Power animals the size of a wolf.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: Power minutes
Clear water
3 Nature - Transmutation
The water that the caster touches, starting from the caster's hand, becomes so pure that it can be drunk. The final cost depends on the purity of the water before the spell is cast. The game master decides on this. The caster can purify up to Power buckets of water.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
5 Fire - Conjuration
The caster throws a burning piece of cloth on the ground.
A dense smoke emanates from the burning piece of cloth as soon as it hits the ground. The smoke is driven by the wind and cannot be controlled. Enough eye-burning smoke is created to form a cloud of Power*10 meters around the caster.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Mark animal
3 Nature - Divination
The caster marks the animal so that he knows the direction in which the animal is for the entire period of the spell. The spell lasts Power days. The caster is able to determine the distance of the animal.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power days
Living Hideaway
5 Nature - Transmutation
The caster slides an object he wants to hide into a plant.
The object enters the plant without damaging it. To release the item from the plant, the caster must cast the spell again. The item can remain in the plant for Power moons, after which it will be ejected from it.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power months
Hawk Eyes
5 Nature - Enchantment
The caster can clearly and accurately see everything up to a distance of Power kilometers for one hour, unless fog or smoke obstruct his vision. Attacks with ranged weapons gain an additional hit die.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 hours
Nature play
3 Nature - Enchantment
To the enchanter and the other spectators, nature shows itself in all its grace, beauty and perfection. A perfect landscape reveals itself to them: The trees shine in their most beautiful colors and sway rhythmically to the pleasant whisper of the wind. Water casts magnificent plays of waves, over which fish leap symmetrically. The nature play is different in its expression every time and of course also dependent on the attitude of the spellcaster.
The spell lasts Power minutes.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
Animal Companion
5 Nature - Enchantment
You connect your mind to an animials mind in range to compell it to be your ally. The animal needs successes on its willPower equal to the Power of the spell or be your companion for the next 8 hours. If the animal is hostile to you the this counts as a difficult check. If you cast the spell again within its duration on the same target the check for the target is regarded as a difficult check and on a fail the duration extends for 8 hours
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 50
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 8 hours
5 Earth - Conjuration
The caster creates power living bioluminescent beings within 10 paces. These beings are made of living plant matter. They magically illuminate their surroundings and can move very slowly (speed 1).
The creatures follow the caster and provide a pleasant light around the caster for the duration of their existence. They have no combat abilities, they are plants that crawl on the ground.
They last for 2W6 hours and then disintegrate.
Origin: ShamanismSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 2d6 rounds
7 Blood - Damage
The caster taps into the life energy of a being, using a blood crystal to establish a connection with his victim. The victim must have a wound through which the caster can make the connection. He spins a thread of blood from his blood crystal to the wound of the victim.
The target suffers Power wounds and the caster is healed by the same number.
Origin: Sanguine MagicSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 2
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Rite of purification
5 Blood - Healing Ritual
The caster enters a meditative state and focuses on harmful substances in his blood, such as diseases and poisons. He collects these in a certain place of his body and then lets them out through a cut.
For each disease and poison he wishes to cure, the caster takes a wound. This number is reduced by the Power of the spell.
Origin: Sanguine MagicSpell Casting: Conscientiousness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Instant
Blood Ban
7 Blood - Control
The caster affects the blood circulation of his victim and can cause numbness and paralysis of certain parts of the body.
After Power combat rounds, the caster must spend one arcana or wound to maintain the effect.
Origin: Sanguine MagicSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Rite of the blood crystal
8 Blood - Transmutation Ritual
The caster enters a meditative state and concentrates on the flow of magic and blood. After a day, the caster opens his veins and lets almost all of his blood flow into a clay bowl.
After adding ruby dust, he reduces it to the absolute essence and forms a crystal shard from it. He then inserts this into an incision on his body. The caster then uses this crystal to cast his Sanguine magic without having to inflict a separate wound each time.
Origin: Sanguine MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: Instant
Dead signpost
5 Blood - Divination
If a corpse (animal corpses also count, as long as they are at least the size of a mouse) is buried in the ground within a Power*10 meter radius, the caster is allowed to ask a directional question: "Which way is Meridian?" "The last rider to pass this ground, where did he ride?"
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Dead gaze
7 Blood - Divination
The caster places his thumb and forefinger in the eyes of the dead person and closes his eyes.
The caster looks backward from the time of death into the dead person's past. In doing so, he sees everything that the dead person saw out of his eyes. The images appear more blurred the further the gaze goes into the dead person's past. The caster sees at most the last Power days before death.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Creature of the Dead
7 Blood - Transmutation
The caster creates an undead hybrid being from different skeletons. The creature is capable of performing uncontrolled actions. It can wield weapons with a skill value of __Power*__2. The creature gains all the ability of the former creatures.
The creature remains Power*3 combat rounds.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: Power*3 rounds
Death sword
5 Blood - Conjuration
The caster creates a death sword out of thin air. The sword has piercing 1 and a damage potential of 1 die in melee combat.
Each wound caused, the sword absorbs. For each wound absorbed, the sword gets one die of damage potential. If the absorbed wounds reach Power+1, the sword disintegrates and the spell ends.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Death Scream
2 Blood - Illusion
The caster lets out a cruel death cry, which makes all those present within a radius of 10 meters, who did not cover their ears, become incapacitated for one combat round. Each victim makes a roll on his willPower. If it does not succeed according to the Power of the spell, the victim flees in panic.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Quickness
Range: 0
Shape: Circle
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Dance of Death
9 Blood - Conjuration
Within Power*3 meters of the caster, all dead rise from the ground, and are under the control of the caster. The dead are able to perform uncontrolled actions and remain alive for Power hours.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power hours
Summon skeletons
9 Blood - Conjuration
Power Skeletons rise from the ground, armed with bone swords (penetration 0). They can fight with the caster's skill. They have 4 possible wounds and stay for Power*3 combat rounds.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*3 rounds
Torment of the bones
5 Blood - Control
The victim suffers incredible pain, believing his bones would burst. If the victim fails a WillPower roll, the effect causes the victim to collapse on the ground, unable to act, for Power combat rounds.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Bone whip
5 Blood - Conjuration
A bone whip about 3 meters long forms from the caster's arm, which can be wielded by the caster as a weapon. The range of the whip is 3 meters, it has a penetration of 0 and a damage potential of 2 dice.
The whip lasts up to Power*3 combat rounds.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*3 rounds
The wrath of bones
5 Blood - Damage
The caster throws bone splinters at enemies, summoning the wrath of the bones. The splinters deal Power+1 hits to all enemies in the cone, evenly distributed among them.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Strength
Range: 20
Shape: Cone
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Secrets of the Dead
4 Mind - Divination Ritual
The caster kneels over a corpse or skeleton and begins to slowly cut it apart.
The caster learns a part of the dead person's knowledge with each piece he cuts. At the end of the ritual he has an impression of all the memories of the dead person. The process is an ordeal in the realm of the dead for the soul of the dead. The necrologist receives +1 in the attribute corresponding to the highest of the dead for power hours.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: Power hours
Bone shield
5 Mind - Transmutation
The necrologist throws a bone splinter to the ground and shouts "Protect me!".
Pieces of bone shoot out of the ground and surround the necrologist. Practically, they are equivalent to a protection of 5 on the whole body. The bone shield is equivalent to a encumbrance of 2.
The bone shield lasts power combat rounds.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Bone growth
4 Mind - Conjuration
The caster must kneel in the centre of the area to be enchanted and drill a bone splinter into the ground.
The caster creates an unnatural growth of bone that grows to full size within 25 minutes. Within a radius of max. power steps, a large growth of bones is created. The necrologist can climb walls with the help of the bone growth, or make it break open gaps in doors. The bone growth remains for 2 hours, after which it disintegrates into dust. The caster only gives the growth an approximate direction, he cannot control it.
Origin: NecrologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: 2 hours
2 Mind - Control Ritual
The caster begins to slowly blur and become more indistinct after the preparation time of 30 seconds. This process lasts another 30 seconds, but during this time the caster is no longer vulnerable. If someone tries to touch the caster during this time, his hand will penetrate a cold, dense mass.
The caster can be transported a maximum of Power kilometers. His body appears at the destination without actually traveling the distance. At the destination, again, it takes 30 seconds for the body to appear completely.
Origin: MysticismSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: Instant
Protection aura
5 Arcana - Conjuration
The caster creates a magical protective aura around him. The aura radiates from him and can be seen through magical actions. It is impenetrable to all forms of magic, which includes magical attacks or transformations. The protective aura can absorb Power*2 wounds before it collapses. The spell can be maintained for a maximum of 3 minutes.
Origin: MysticismSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 3 minutes
Unseen, unnoticed
7 Mind - Control
The magician appears to his surroundings as nothing in the truest sense of the word. No attention is paid to him, people bump into him on the street, but do not care. Even if he addresses someone, he is ignored. If he manages to attract someone's attention, they immediately forget about him as soon as he withdraws from them.
This spell is not a transformation of the caster, but a mass hypnosis. As a result, the caster cannot be detected even by clairvoyance spells like Recognize Life. His aura is just as visible as ever, but no attention is paid to it.
Someone who specifically searches for the caster is entitled to a Perception check in order to discover him nevertheless. If this is done with Power successes, the hypnosis effect falls off the seeker and he can perceive the caster normally again.
The caster must succeed in a test of willPower to avoid falling into a deep depression.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power hours (Needs concentration)
Veil of oblivion
5 Mind - Control
This spell allows the caster to manipulate his victim's memories of an event that occurred in the last Power hours. For 20 minutes, the victim forgets to perform a task specified by the caster and related to the event in question (for example, alerting the guards). If he is reminded of the task by anything or anyone, the spell immediately falls off him.
The victim may make a WillPower roll. If he succeeds according to the Power of the spell, it is not manipulated.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 20 minutes
3 Energy - Transmutation
The caster is able to open locked, non-magical objects such as doors, chests or other locks.
In addition to normally locked locks, the caster is able to open magically locked locks with a seal of the Power of the spell.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Magic analysis
5 Arcana - Divination
The caster is able to perform an analysis of a spell that has been cast or is in the process of being cast. The caster recognizes the school of magic, essence of the spell (whether healing, damage, type of element, duration, etc.) and a rough estimate of the strength of the spell.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 40
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Instant
Spirit of wine
7 Mind - Control
The caster gestures to drink a glass of wine. As he does so, he murmurs the name of the spell.
Up to Power victims of the spell instantly experience a drunken stupor that causes them to stagger and makes any normal action difficult. the minimum roll for all rolls is increased by 2. The spell's effect lasts a maximum of Power*10 minutes.
Each victim of the spell may make a WillPower roll. If the roll reaches successes equal to the Power of the spell, it resists the spell.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*10 minutes
Extreme performance
7 Blood - Control
The caster can temporarily increase a Persona Attribute, Combat Skill (Shooting, Hand to Hand Combat, or Throwing), or Evasion to extreme levels for a difficult task. The chosen value increases by Power*2 points for a period of Power minutes.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
5 Water - Transmutation
The victim freezes in place for Strength actions. It is fully conscious and all senses function normally. However, physical actions or attacks are not possible.
At the start of each action, the victim rolls for willpower, increasing the minimum roll by the Strength of the spell. If the roll is successful, the stun is lifted and the action is available to the victim. The difficulty of the minimum roll decreases by 1 after each roll.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power actions
7 Air - Transmutation
The caster creates a momentary spontaneous portal under himself, into which he is immediately sucked. He creates another portal at a location that is at most Power*10 steps away from his current position.
Without any delay he appears at the desired destination.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
7 Blood - Control
The enchanted man falls into an uncontrollable bloodlust. His mental abilities have atrophied to the point that he can barely tell friend from foe. His combat stats (shooting, hand to hand combat, and throwing) each increase by Power points. Education, Logic, and Deftness decrease by one point. The enchanted feels no pain or exhaustion, only an uncontrollable desire to fight. After the spell falls from him, he collapses unconscious.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
5 Arcana - Enchantment
The victim of the enchantment is trapped in the place where it is for Power combat rounds. It is able to act normally and can also attack, but cannot move from the spot.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
5 Light - Transmutation
The caster shrouds himself or another being in an arcane cloak of reflecting light, rendering their form unrecognisable.
For the duration of the spell, the target gains Strength to the Stealth skill.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 1
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
Absorb magic
5 Arcana - Abjuration
The caster can absorb arcana from a magical object or creature. Arcana power is transferred from the target to the caster.
A magical creature rolls on its willpower. For each success on this roll, the amount of arcana transferred is reduced by 1.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Logic
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
80 Mind - Transmutation Ritual
The ritual requires extensive preparation. Thus, the most precise preparation of the hermeticist as well as that of the target person is required.
The hermeticist activates the spell at the very beginning of the ritual. Over the whole time he has to maintain this spell, which devours a considerable amount of magic. Every single day he has to spend two hours of meditation, working on the painting. The painting must be created solely by the Hermeticist.
The target needs no preparation other than the realisation to become fleshless. For this purpose, he should torture himself with all kinds of burning, poisoning and the like to facilitate the completion of the ritual.
At the time of performance, the hermeticist only has to maintain the sphere with his concentration and control the arms. Scenery as well as atmosphere are irrelevant, as in most hermetic acts.
During the time of the creation of the image, the hermeticist binds the spirit and soul of the target person to it. At the time of execution, a sphere of pure magic is created not far from the painting, which mostly floats in the air in a semi-transparent matt white. This sphere forms arms which glide like hoses over the heads of the victims to be provided. With a continuous humming sound, the sphere collects the innards of the victims and then condenses them into the image.
The hermeticist thus creates a firm bond between the spirit and soul of the target person and the painting. The spirit in the painting is able to enter any person in the immediate vicinity of the painting at any time within one second. The target person then lives on in this person until his or her death or an exorcism, and then enters the painting again. It completely dominates the person, feels their feelings and lives completely in them. This process of dominating and regressing only comes to an end once the image is destroyed or the target person has returned to the image four times. After that, he remains in the image.
The created image is itself almost indestructible. It is considered an artefact of the Hermeticist level and requires the same effort to destroy as any other artefact of that level. Only immense magical influence or divine work can destroy the object.
The target can enter the image power times before being trapped inside.
Origin: HermeticismSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1000
Duration: Instant
Death Vision
9 Blood - Divination
The victim is tormented by a very realistic vision of his death, the manner of death can be determined by the caster. The vision includes dying, the rotting of the flesh and the decay of the bones to dust. The victim does not take any physical harm from the spell, though there is a possibility that he may be traumatized by the death vision. For the duration of the spell, the victim is barely capable of any meaningful action.
The victim can attempt to abort the spell with a willPower check. This requires as many successes as the spell has Power.
The spell lasts until the willPower check is successful.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Special rounds
Call animal spirit
7 Nature - Conjuration Ritual
The caster draws a pentagram in the ground and concentrates on the animal spirit.
At the moment the ritual is finished, the animal spirit appears in the place of the pentagram. The animal spirit performs Power simple services for its master. The services must be simple and involve only one action, e.g. a ride that begins with mounting and ends with dismounting, or help in a fight against an opponent. The values of the animal spirit correspond to those of the normal animal.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Voice of the dead
7 Blood - Divination
The caster places an object of the dead in front of him, closes his eyes and concentrates on the object and the realm of the dead.
The caster goes into a light trance, his voice changes and resembles that of the dead, the more personal the object is and the more the caster knows about the dead. The caster can ask Power questions to the dead, which will be answered with yes/no to. The dead the must answer also before his death could have given.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Living armor
9 Mind - Conjuration
The caster creates Power living armors. The armors can perform simple defense and attack missions. They have 4 possible wounds and wield swords with a penetration of 0 and 3+Power dice.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Animate body
7 Mind - Conjuration Ritual
The moment the ritual is finished, the caster binds a simple spirit into a dead body, which controls the body and performs simple commands. The movements are slow, and since only normal movements are available to it, the body should be chosen prudently beforehand. A doll or corpse can walk, a ball can roll but cannot climb stairs, for example.
The caster can take direct control of the body as if he were inside it. However, this costs 1 arcana per Power*5 minutes, and any damage the body suffers, the caster's body suffers as well.
The spell ends after one hour.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 15
Duration: 1 hours
Deathly Cold
9 Blood - Damage
The moment the caster touches his target, a terrible cold spreads from the place of the touch, causing one wound per combat round. The caster can cancel the spell at any time, but if it is not canceled, it ends when the target is completely cooled and dead.
The victim rolls a Resistance roll at the beginning of each combat round before taking damage. If the roll succeeds with at least Power, the spell ends and no more damage is done.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Strength
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Animate object
5 Mind - Conjuration Ritual
The moment the ritual is completed, the caster binds a simple spirit into the chosen object, which performs a simple action on the object.
Unlike the Animate Weapon ritual, the basic idea of this ritual is rather peaceful, so the most common uses of this ritual are to make crystal balls swirl glowing mist, or to make candlesticks light the candles as soon as the room is entered.
In the ritual, the caster must determine who and how the trigger is. For some things, like the mentioned crystal balls, it makes sense if this is only a certain touch of the user, for the mentioned candlestick rather everyone who comes within a certain range around the candlestick.
The object remains animated up to Power hours.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 15
Duration: Power hours
Simple service spirit
7 Nature - Conjuration Ritual
The caster rubs his hand with bone dust, draws a pentagram in the air and concentrates on the spirit.
At the moment the ritual is finished, the service spirit appears in the place of the pentagram. The service spirit performs a simple service for its master, the service can consist of max Power things. The service spirit is not able to directly harm a living being or object. Examples of services include delivering very short messages (max Power words to one person, or 1 word to a total of Power people), notifying the caster when one of Power certain events occurs, or even gathering Power apples.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 15
Duration: Instant
11 Mind - Control Ritual
The caster draws a pentagram on the target's forehead and concentrates on the spirit and the target.
In this ritual, the caster allows a spirit to enter the target's body. The spirit can be a service spirit, a free spirit or the spirit of the caster. In the latter case, the caster's body slumps, does not react, breathes slowly and stares into the void when his eyes are opened. The target is Power*10 minutes under the control of the spirit driven into it, which can control the entire body (run, punch, fight, speak, etc.).
Should the target's body die during the possession, the spirit abruptly disappears from the body and returns to its sphere. If the target's body dies while the caster is in it, the caster's spirit returns to its original body and the caster is unconscious for 3W6 minutes.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 15
Duration: Power*10 minutes
Animate Weapon
15 Nature - Conjuration Ritual
The caster forms an incantation circle around the weapon to be animated.
At the moment the ritual is finished, the caster binds a spirit to the anointed weapon. This spirit inflicts additional Power wounds on the victim, in addition to the weapon's usual wounds. The weapon is considered a magical weapon, but can only be used by the caster. Anyone else who attempts to use the weapon will themselves be attacked by the spirit. The appearance of the ghost can be freely determined by the caster.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 15
Duration: 1 hours
Ghostly body
4 Mind - Transmutation
The caster closes his eyes, thinks the verse "My body, a spirit" and then opens his eyes again.
The caster is able to perform all the actions of a spirit, e.g. see, touch things, cast spells unless ingredients are needed or within reach, fly, move through inanimate objects, etc. The spell can be dropped at any time, causing the caster to take on their normal physical form, but without clothing.
The spell can be dropped at any time, causing the caster to take on their normal physical form, but without clothing as this is not transformed with them. Objects strongly familiar to the caster should probably also be carried in ghost form. As spirits are immune to non-magical weapons and attacks, so is the caster.
The caster can also be banished in spirit form. When exorcised, the caster ends up unconscious in his body for 2W6 minutes at the point where he started the spell.
The spell lasts for power*10 minutes.
Origin: NecromancySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power*10 minutes
Black call
15 Demonic - Conjuration Ritual
The caster summons the appearance of a lesser demon into the world. The servant appears within the next 3d6 minutes. No binding takes place, the creature has its own will. For Power*10 minutes the demon remains in the world.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 5
Duration: Power*10 minutes
Unnatural growth
9 Demonic - Transmutation
The caster crouches down and cuts his flesh with a ritual dagger so that blood drips onto the floor. He closes his eyes and imagines the growth.
The form he imagines grows out of the caster's body. The surface and the appearance are based on the appearance of the archdemon or his servants who are attached to him. The caster can thus create a body part of almost any shape, which can be moved almost at will. The body part can have a length of Power meters.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power hours (Needs concentration)
Deadly stone
7 Demonic - Damage
The caster leads an attack with a stone weapon. Usually a ritual dagger is used.
If the attack is successful, the weapon melts into two tentacle-like outgrowths of liquid stone in the victim's body. The damage potential of the weapon is Power dice, but it also takes 2 actions to pull the weapon out again (the outgrowths are already gone when you pull them out).
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Strength
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
New flesh
11 Demonic - Healing
The caster touches the wound of the target. He strokes it and speaks the name of the patron.
The wound of the target closes completely. Any damage associated with the wound is erased. The wound closes with new flesh, and the wounded person immediately feels as if reborn. The new flesh that is created, however, is demonic in nature. It is an indefinable substance that naturally combines with human flesh. No one can say how the new flesh will behave in the future, whether it will be accepted by the body, or whether completely unexpected effects will occur.
The spell heals Power*2 wounds.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Conscientiousness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Instant
7 Demonic - Transmutation
The caster creates a hiding place by creating a bubble in the demon world into which he and Power*2 other characters are translocated. The bubble is created somewhere in the demon world, is transparent, and allows odor but nothing else to pass through. After the spell is completed, the characters in the bubble are translocated back.
The globe persists for 20 minutes.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 20 minutes (Needs concentration)
Demonic vision
5 Demonic - Divination
The vision of the caster changes, and he perceives the world with the vision of a demon. He recognizes all occurrences of demonic origin clearly and luminously even through walls, but is also limited to some extent by the distortion of the sight. In addition, the caster can accurately detect magical activity in his field of vision.
The spell lasts Power rounds.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds
Breath of Wisgu
5 Demonic - Damage
Foul-smelling slime, blood, and filth are flung from the caster's mouth. Anyone who comes into contact with the substances is completely consumed by an unnatural disgust for a time of Power*2 rounds and is given the condition Shocked 2.
After the effect time, the slime remains.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Strength
Range: 5
Shape: Cone
Actions: 1
Duration: Power*2 rounds
Banning circle
5 Demonic - Abjuration
The demonologist draws a pentagram in a border in the floor or ceiling with the dagger or another object. The pentagram may have a maximum diameter of power meters. The more powerful the demon, the more complex the drawing.
The outer border of the pentagram can be broken by a demonic being from the outside to the inside, but not in the opposite direction. Usually a spell circle is drawn around an incantation circle to hold the demon in place until it binds. However, places can also be protected by the spell circle independently of summons. Within the spell circle, the demon has no magical or demonic powers, but does have the abilities of its physical form.
The following paraphernalia have an effect on the minimum roll of the spell circle :
- Suitable environment, rest: -1
- Banishing circle is made of blood: -2
- 5 candles: -1
- Each additional demonologist: -1
- The stars are right: -10
- Animal Sacrifice (each): -2
- Human sacrifice (each): -5
- Temple nearby: 20
- day: 5
- Priest nearby: 10
- Consecration water nearby: 5
- Superior Demon: 10
- Arch Demon: 100
If the spell is reversed, the spell circle also applies in reverse. It will not let a demon in, but it will let it out. In this way, a demonologist can draw an additional circle around himself.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Logic
Range: 0
Shape: Circle
Actions: 6
Duration: Power nights
5 Demonic - Transmutation
The demonologist stabs the demon he has previously summoned with his ritual weapon.
The demonologist splits the being into power independent demons. The demons act independently and must also be bound independently (if the original demon was not already) and banished. Only lesser beings can be divided, not servants or even archdemons. A pactier is able to divide the direct servants of the archdemons.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 1
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Demonic Form
5 Demonic - Transmutation
The demonologist crouches down, cuts his flesh with the Ritual Weapon and drips the blood onto the element attached to the Archdemon (For mist, water is enough, magic implies a Magical Artefact).
The demonologist transforms into the form of one of the servants of his bonded archdemon. In doing so, he partially assumes the demon's abilities, though the body is just as vulnerable as in his human form. In addition, the demonologist gains only the demon's physical abilities at its normal human size, and no magical abilities at all.
The transformation lasts power minutes.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 4
Duration: Power minutes
5 Demonic - Conjuration
The caster throws a piece of demonic nature (artefact, demonic object or new flesh) at the place over which the sphere is to be created. Then he waits until he is heard.
Tentacles of demonic substance grow into a grid-like sphere of max power steps. The tentacles have a strength of 500 wounds and are therefore almost impossible to cut. The net can both lock in and lock out living creatures.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: Sphere
Actions: 2
Duration: 1 nights
Call demon
10 Demonic - Conjuration Ritual
The rules for invoking a demon are as varied as they are controversial. It has been proven that the invocation benefits from the provision of various paraphernalia. There are also some peculiarities in the action that have a positive effect on its success. In general, it can be said that the invocation should take place in a suitable atmosphere and is a direct calling of the demon on the part of the demonologist. So it is also possible to make an invocation without any preparation only with the verse.
The following paraphernalia have an effect on the minimum roll of the Invocation :
- Suitable environment, silence: -1
- Heptagram drawn: -1
- Heptagram is made of blood: -2
- Sigil drawn: -1
- Player draws sigil from hand: -10
- 7 candles: -1
- Each additional demonologist: -1
- The stars are right: -10
- Animal Sacrifice (each): -4
- Human sacrifice (each): -10
- Ban circle drawn: obligatory
- Temple nearby: 20
- day: 5
- Priest nearby: 10
- Holy water nearby: 5
- A sacrifice begins to pray: 2 (each).
- Lesser demon is summoned: -1
- Higher demon is summoned: 5
- Servant of an Archdemon is summoned: 10
- Arch demon is summoned: 100
Calling a demonic being does not include binding the demon.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: Instant
Bind demonic being
7 Demonic - Control
The demonologist has to look into the eyes (if any) of the being he wants to bind and has to face its will.
If the spell succeeds, the demonologist gains control over a demon. If the demon is unbound, the mere casting of the spell is enough to bind it. However, if the demon has already been controlled by another demonologist, it is necessary to first (before casting the spell) perform a magical comparison (comparison roll spell casting) against the controlling caster. If this fails, the demon remains under the dominion of its original master. If the spell fails after a won magic comparison, the demon is no longer subject to any master.
The minimum roll of the spell is modified according to the being to be bound:
- Lower Demon: -2
- Higher Demon: 2
- Servant of an Archdemon: 10
- Arch Demon: 100
Spell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
30 Demonic - Transmutation Ritual
Only a few who have made a pact with an archdemon have reported how the pact took place, but some facts are known, the demonologist must make contact through one of the servants. Demonologists have an easier time of it, as they are able to summon them. Other alignments must go to one of the demon's places of worship.
Once a caster has made contact, the demon takes control, usually for this purpose the demon opens a portal into its globe of the demon sphere, only those who can cross this threshold without perishing have any chance of a pact.
What exactly happens in the demon sphere is uncertain, but there are reports of cruel trials that the gifted have to endure, even the strongest usually return broken.
If the pact is successfully concluded, the demonologists return as other beings. Mostly only the appearance reminds of the one who entered the portal.
In any case, the pactors are now subordinates of the demon, disobedience is punished, immediately and from within, it does not matter where the pactor is. The pact binds demon and demonologist across all spheres and ailments.
At the beginning, some particularly powerful demonologists are still able to resist and even assert their own will against the demon, but sooner or later all pactors are subordinate to their master.
With the conclusion of a pact, not only is one's life committed to the demon, but also any existence after death. The demonologist only dies when the demon allows it, otherwise he is merely drawn into the demon sphere to be released again by the demon at will.
It is said that there are demons who withdraw the pact from pactors, which would be the only possibility for a pactor to return to a halfway normal life, but most of them prefer to kill the demonologist or make him a lowly subordinate if he resists.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 100
Duration: Instant
Mephitic Cloud
8 Demonic - Conjuration
Summons a cloud of poisonous gas that lasts for 1d6 combat rounds. The cloud has a diameter of Power steps and can be summoned up to 15 paces away from the caster.
If a character ends his combat round inside the cloud, he receives "Poisoned 2" and 2 wounds. If a character crosses the cloud without ending their combat round inside, they receive 'Poisoned 1'.
Origin: DemonologySpell Casting: Charm
Range: 15
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 1
Duration: 1d6 rounds
Crystal barrier
5 Earth - Conjuration
At a point within reach, a barrier of grown crystals is formed, which is quite hard and therefore difficult to overcome. The crystals look like rock crystals, which grow out of the ground like normal crystals. The crystal barrier can have a maximum depth of Power cm and a width of Power meters. It takes about Power*5 rounds to punch through the barrier.
Origin: Astral MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 5
Shape: Wall
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Light of stars
5 Light - Enchantment
After about 20 minutes the eyes of the caster begin to dull and he sees both day and night. Bright light does not blind the caster. However, in complete darkness, the caster cannot see. The spell lasts Power hours.
Origin: Astral MagicSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power hours
Star message
3 Light - Transmutation
The astrologer looks at the starry sky and murmurs repeatedly the message to be conveyed.
After about 35 minutes, individual stars of the celestial bodies begin to shine brighter than others. Skilled astrologers and astral magicians can read out of these constellations a message about one power of the spell sentence long, no matter where they are in the world.
Origin: Astral MagicSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 1 nights
Greater magic analysis
5 Arcana - Divination
The caster is able to perform an analysis of a spell that has been cast or is in the process of being cast. The caster recognizes the school of magic, essence of the spell (whether healing, damage, type of element, duration, etc.) and a rough estimate of the strength of the spell.
Origin: Astral MagicSpell Casting: Apprehension
Range: 60
Shape: Sphere
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Silence of the cosmos
8 Light - Conjuration
The caster calls upon the silence of the cosmos. This silence silences both the magical actions and the sounds. The area of silence has a diameter of power steps and moves with the caster.
The minimum roll for spells and magic knowledge is increased by 4 within the circle, including the caster. All sound is swallowed by silence. The caster cannot hear anything for the duration of the spell.
The spell lasts power minutes.
Origin: Astral MagicSpell Casting: Charm
Range: 0
Shape: Circle
Actions: 1
Duration: Power minutes
5 Light - Damage
The caster stares at the target and summons the light of the sun. Bright rays come out of his eyes and hit the target directly in the face.
The rays blind the target, who can barely see. All Perception rolls and attacks have a minimum roll increased by power.
The spell remains active for power combat rounds.
Origin: Astral MagicSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 0
Shape: Beam
Actions: 1
Duration: Power rounds (Needs concentration)
Mind ban
12 Mind - Control
The target rolls with their logic value, the roll is made more difficult by the spell power.
If the roll fails, the target is forced to obey the caster's commands until the spell expires or is cancelled.
Origin: Lizard Folk MagickSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: 24 hours
Swamp Fever
12 Nature - Enchantment Ritual
The target takes damage equal to the spell's power each day the curse is active. In addition, all physical attributes are reduced by the amount of spell power.
Origin: Lizard Folk MagickSpell Casting: Attractiveness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: 1 weeks
10 Blood - Damage
Causes the target's flesh to rot, dealing direct damage and attribute loss based on the spell's power. The target of the spell chooses the attributes and distributes the penalty points among them.
The attribute penalties are not removed until the damage is fully healed.
Origin: Lizard Folk MagickSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Instant
Crawling Fear
10 Mind - Control
All creatures within range of the spell make a Willpower roll, made harder by the power of the spell.
Those who fail the roll will flee from the lizard in panic.
Origin: Lizard Folk MagickSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 4
Duration: 1 minutes (Needs concentration)
Adapt ability
8 Nature - Control
The caster touches an animal and begins to murmur the verse repeatedly.
If the spell is successful, the gifted person receives the animal's ability for power hours. For example, he grows wings capable of flight or receives the nose of a dog. The associated transformation can take several minutes and can sometimes be extremely painful.
Origin: ChimerologySpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power hours
Leviathan creation
12 Nature - Transmutation
The eggs of a crocodile are wrapped in black cloth beforehand.
The caster encloses one or more crocodile eggs with his hands and speaks the verses of the leviathan creation on them. The eggs are then kept in a dark and warm environment until they hatch.
Small leviathans hatch from the eggs in 10-power months.
Origin: ChimerologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: 10-Power months (Needs concentration)
Unholy bond
12 Nature - Transmutation
The caster presses all the animals he wants to unite tightly together for the whole duration of the action and casts the spell.
The animals unite to form a chimera for power*10 minutes as specified by the caster. When the spell expires or is cancelled, they separate again to their original form. The chimera is aggressive and not under the caster's control.
The chimera may consist of a maximum of power animals.
Origin: ChimerologySpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 30
Duration: Instant
5 Blood - Transmutation
The caster must cast the curse while touching the victim.
Shortly after the cursing, the victim starts to feel the first effects. The cursed person feels weakened, which, in addition to the unpleasant feeling, is manifested in the reduction of the values for strength, willpower, reaction, speed and perception by 1.
As long as the curse is active, these values decrease every day by another point. If one of the attributes reaches the value 0, the victim becomes bedridden and can no longer get up by himself.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power years (Needs concentration)
5 Mind - Control
The caster must cast the curse while touching the victim.
The victim panics and thinks only of escape for the next 2d6 minutes. The victim escapes the curse with a successful Courage roll. The minimum roll for this is increased by the spell's power.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: 2d6 minutes
Drying out
5 Blood - Transmutation
The caster must cast the curse while touching the victim.
The victim loses 5% of his body fluid every day. By ingesting fluid, he can slow down the effect to 3%, but not completely prevent it. After the cursed person has lost 20% of his body fluid, one can already see the first signs of the deficiency. The skin becomes drier, the first sores appear. At 40%, the cursed is already weakened to the point that all attribute values are halved. From a fluid loss of 70% (now the skin seems to resemble a dry piece of leather) it is hardly possible for the cursed to stand up. Everything around him becomes blurred, and he has no way to take care of himself. Only when all liquid has escaped from the body, the cursed dies. Until that time, the fox keeps him alive.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power years
Curse of the mind
5 Blood - Damage Ritual
The caster must cast the curse while writing the victim's name on a piece of paper or parchment.
The caster enters a trance-like state in which he bleeds the preferably stunned victim. The curse is transferred to the one whose name is written on the paper and on whom the caster has focused his hatred. After that, the caster falls into a swoon that turns into a restless sleep.
The victim bleeds from all pores as long as the curse lasts. Blood leaks from his eyes and nose, and the victim takes 1d6 wounds per day.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Strength
Range: 40
Shape: -
Actions: 10
Duration: Power months (Needs concentration)
Paralysis of self
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim's tongue and limbs feel heavy and do not want to do their job properly. All physical attributes except Resistance are reduced by 1 with all consequences. The curse lasts power hours.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power hours
Madaeus flu
5 Blood - Transmutation
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim falls ill with Madeus flu the next day. Throat and pharyngeal complaints, in addition to a slight fever and coughing irritations characterize the clinical picture. The victim remains sick until he is either magically cured or at least two other people are naturally infected. The flu is never fatal, but it is perceived as an annoying, unpleasant nuisance. The "contagion rate" is 10% per day of stay in the company of a cursed person.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 3
Duration: Instant
Bad luck
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim of the curse receives a "bad luck" value equal to the strength of the spell for the duration of the curse.
The victim, after making a roll for their actions, must roll on the "bad luck" value. If the "bad luck" roll shows a success, the action fails.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power hours
Self blame
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim does not feel the curse until he makes the first strike/shot against any target.
The damage caused to a target by a hit from the cursed one comes back to him 1 to 1, he suffers the same hits as the attacked one. The curse lasts one attack from the cursed.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant
Shura's madness
5 Mind - Control
The caster must speak the curse while touching the victim.
The victim is immediately seized by panic. The only thought that can be held for the next 4d6 seconds is "GET AWAY HERE". However, the fear can be shaken off by a test of willpower. The minimum roll of this trial is increased by the strength of the spell.
The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.
Origin: CursesSpell Casting: Willpower
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: 4d6 seconds