Drying out

Transmutation (Blood) - Curses

Drying out

The caster must cast the curse while touching the victim.

The victim loses 5% of his body fluid every day. By ingesting fluid, he can slow down the effect to 3%, but not completely prevent it. After the cursed person has lost 20% of his body fluid, one can already see the first signs of the deficiency. The skin becomes drier, the first sores appear. At 40%, the cursed is already weakened to the point that all attribute values are halved. From a fluid loss of 70% (now the skin seems to resemble a dry piece of leather) it is hardly possible for the cursed to stand up. Everything around him becomes blurred, and he has no way to take care of himself. Only when all liquid has escaped from the body, the cursed dies. Until that time, the fox keeps him alive.

The curse can be broken by countermagic, divine work or a blessing. Likewise, the curse ends if the caster drops the spell or becomes unconscious.

Spell Point Cost: 5
Origin: Curses
Spell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power years