The caster focuses on the desired object in his mental eye, reaches into an object from a certain element (it is possible for him to simply slide his hand into the object during the spell) and pulls out the desired object.
The caster pulls an object of his choice from another object. Swords made of ice, drinking vessels made of wood, shields made of rock or water, etc. are possible. There are no limits to the caster's creativity, but he can only pull out one object at a time, which makes the creation of chains, for example, very time-consuming.
The item has its typical properties, plus the elemental component, so a sword made of fire inflicts fire damage on the victim, a sword made of wood receives no damage bonus. Only the caster does not receive this possible elemental damage. A drinking goblet of ice is very pleasant if one likes to enjoy very strongly chilled drinks, but it could freeze to the fingers and or lips of everyone else except the creator.
The spell can be dropped by the caster at any time. If the caster does not return the item to its place of origin when dropping the spell (e.g. does not put the wooden shield back into the tree) he receives a wound on the hand, possibly a few burn or frost blisters and the item dissolves.
The object remains power*10 minutes.
Spell Point Cost: 5Spell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 4
Duration: Power*10 minutes