Besides the variety of ordinary and extraordinary animals, there are magical creatures everywhere on Tirakan. These creatures can resemble animals, but also have a completely unusual shape.
Magical beings can be peaceful inhabitants of Tirakan, but also nasty, malicious creatures that attack an innocent wanderer without reason.

Totems are the name given to the entities to which the shamans devote themselves. Totems embody the character traits and ideals of an animal, and what you have to accept is that totems are crucial to your own development. Totems are consistently natural entities that are good and righteous. A future shaman is always chosen by his totem. This means that the totem reveals itself to the shaman.

The werewolf is a creature that is half wolf, half human. At full moon, the "normal" human transforms into a wolf, which can grow up to two steps tall and is extremely aggressive. Anyone can become a werewolf as soon as they are bitten by an already infected werewolf.

The shimmer whale is a 50-step long massive whale that is able to adapt its skin colour to its surroundings in dangerous situations. Due to the "shimmering" as the whalers call it, the whale can hardly be located. This is an animal that can use magic instinctively.

These giant pigs are actually of a good-natured nature. However, if their habitat is restricted or they are driven into a trap, they fight back. They are magical creatures, and are proficient in magically ramming enemies.

These magical creatures are more common on the steppes of the Quitaron. The bird of prey hunts mainly small rodents, but sometimes larger animals are also on its menu.

The stone elemental, as a servant of the Tador, grows from a rock or stone when it awakens. Stone elementals usually appear as bulky humanoid figures that can grow to a height of 4 steps. Stone elementals have a protection of 4.

The water elemental is an elemental being that is under the favour of either the Ginae or the Duglaraan. Water elementals only exist naturally on the elemental plane and can only be summoned to this world by elementalists or demonologists.

The hag as an opponent is a figure who often lives alone and is not well-disposed towards the characters.

The Sethlarn are a magical kind of dragon-like beings. Their shape is that of Dragons, but their leathery skin is coarse and black. Their eyes gleam a pale yellow. They reach a height of three steps, and a wingspan of five steps.

The Imps are small 30cm high humanoid beings of scrawny gnarled shape and small red sparkling eyes. Their wrinkled skin is covered with small nodules and is grey to brown in colour. Even though they seem to be, they are not related to the Bolden.

Only rarely do you see bolts in the forests and towns of Tirakan. Gifted people ascribe to them an origin in the fairy worlds, while the normal people despise bolts as bad luck bringers and charlatans. Whether it will ever be clarified where the origin of the bolts lies may be doubted. In fact, there are many bolts in the fairy world.

There are giants both in the northern forests near the Valley of Oblivion and in the south near the Xordai territories. These gigantic, human-like beings live their own culture, have their own language, and keep away from Humans.


One of the strangest creatures in Tirakan is the ventriculum. Although observers of the past centuries classified it as an undead being, it must be considered a purely magical entity. Nevertheless, the ventriculum consists of the dead remains of a human being that have been magically brought to life.

This butterfly, known as Chronar's Blessing, is very rare on Tirakan. It is said to land at night on the heads of the seriously ill or wounded, heal them or accompany them into the realm of the dead to relieve their pain.

Of all the creatures known to us, none is more dangerous and deadly than the basilisk - otherwise known as "the king of snakes". This creature is born from a chicken egg hatched by a crow. The venom of the basilisk is deadly.

This is what 2 steps tall, yellow-eyed toads are called. These mystical animals are as rare as they are dangerous. In their insatiable hunger, they pounce on any life form that crosses their path and is not twice as massive as themselves. To kill its victim, the swamp turtoll sprays it with a viscous, highly corrosive acid, which is capable of destroying even the iron of armour.

The unicorn (from silk. licorne - the pure) is an animal that resembles the horse in shape and size, but is more slenderly built and wears a horn on its forehead.

The common flying lizard has two legs and two leathery wings. On the ground they have to support themselves with their wings, but in the air these slender lizards are nimble and fast flyers. Their skin, covered with small green scales, offers them quite good protection, and particularly strong flying lizards can also be clad in light metal-reinforced leather armour.

The wilderness is home to druids who worship an evil vampire because of his ability to control the weather and the beasts of the region. The druids are savage and violent, and each controls a host of twig blights, which fights until destroyed.

At harvest time, when death revisits the twilit world and summer’s blossoms bow their withered heads, eerie scarecrows loom in silent vigil over empty fields. With immortal patience, these stoic sentinels hold their posts through wind, storm, and flood, bound to their master’s command, eager to terrify prey with its sackcloth visage and rend victims with its razor-sharp claws.

Sometimes a spirit or magical presence is banished into a statue. These statues are made of stone, chiselled by their creator. But the spirit of the past lives in them and awakens them to ghostly life. The soul of their model connects with the stone body and comes to life.

A phantom warrior is the undead spirit of a soldier or other skilled person-at-arms (i.e. a professional killer) who has died in violent conflict or before completing an assigned task. Although incorporeal, a phantom warrior carries ghostly armour, shield and weapon. A phantom warrior's memory of the days before his death is hazy at best.

Created by the black magician Ortan, the Shadow Crawlers are humanoid creatures. They live in the northern forests of Asgoran, where they were artificially created by magic.