Created in the Second Age by Ranorh, the demons have claimed the world for their own. These titanic beings populate the underworld and are powerful magical beings in their own right.
Nyphen, the accursed lord of ice and cold death, is a crystalline, deep blue figure with thousands of thorns and spikes. The giant, ice-cold entity is accompanied by Lhuu and Baarhai, black, toad-shaped demons. Their spikes, shot from the body, tear terrible wounds that never heal.
The eleventh domain is led by Nycalha, who brings demonic jealousy and perverse lust. Nycalha's form is that of a tall woman with pale, diseased skin and no hair on her head. Her companions, Bradhi and Flamer, appear as twins, both beautiful women, one with flaming red hair and pale skin, the other with black full and sensuous hair with southern skin.
Nughlhuu is a quadruped that resembles a unicorn. Black liquid permanently drips from his lean, almost starved body. It is said that whoever gazes into the light emanating from the horn on his head will forever be turned to stone and suffer demonic torment as he is slowly eaten away by Nycalhu and Nugaa. Nughlhuu's two companions have the form of skeletal birds, from whose pale bones the moldering feathers hang down.
Iiinyca, the Desecrator of Magical Power, is the ruler of the tenth domain, the demonic world of magic. Iiinyca does not appear herself and can only be glimpsed as incredibly powerful demonic magic that disrupts everything magical around her and is perceived even by those who are not gifted. Iiinyca's companions, Tur Oggu and Yogzzi, are dark, cruel bolds who, with their sharp teeth and unholy magic, are strong opponents for any righteous person.
Whoever meets Cthupheen will never forget this encounter for the rest of his life. The gigantic earthen worm measures many hundreds of steps, its mouth emblazoned with thousands of teeth like those of the shark. Even though his companions, Ijothu and Shoggu Hai, are much smaller, they are still several steps long and half a step in diameter. The black worms are considered death from the earth and devour or strangle their victims.
The fifth domain is ruled over by Brahas, who stoned the dying god Herbarin. He is called the father of addiction and the desecrator of pleasures. Brahas' servants are Yoghas and Bhulu, two stoning beings in the shape of trolls with dead, black eyes.
This domain is ruled by Calysporn, the cursed ruler of mist and night. Calysporn, who has no fixed form, is accompanied by Dugai and Sarag'Roh, who both have a human-like form, even if their bodies are only made of mist.
The seventh domain is ruled by Haiphen, who has the human form of a warrior in black armour, but without a face. Haiphen, who is called the cursed lord of the ore and bringer of death with the steel, carries a blue glowing sword and a burning mace with which he strikes deadly wounds. His companions are Ghyogh and Hasoo, the black bloodhounds without eyes. He is considered a patron by many mercenaries who even serve the lizard army or the Minotaurs.
Lhugghu, who heads this domain, is the demonic lord of the wind and the storm, the creator of chaos and envy. Lhugghu takes the form of a black cloud without a face, and his servants, Zzibra and Cayogbaar, accompany him in the form of misshapen ravens without wings and with black skin.
The first domain is the world of water, over which Duglaraan rules with extreme cruelty. Duglaraan, the accursed devourer and desecrator of seafaring, takes the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and large horns on the back of its vertebrae. His two servant-beings, Shuugai and Ganod, are no better than him; they are his companions and have a very similar shape, though much smaller.
Lothcam, the ruler of shadows and shadow creatures, takes the form of a giant amoeba or worm. His servants are Thurgroth and Brasho. Lothcam follows his own plan. He wants nothing more than to rule over all of Tirakan.
The third domain is the world of fire. This world is ruled by Gyral, also called Gyralph, with his terrible servants. Gyralph, a tall figure like a troll, wears the head of an eagle. In place of the beak are three long proboscises that reach down to the ground. Gyralph always seems to be on fire, his skin resembling glowing black ash with countless fiery wounds. His servants, Nugshu and Tulhu, resemble the griffins, but they wear four horns on their backs and the same burning skin as their master.