The first domain is the world of water, over which Duglaraan rules with extreme cruelty. Duglaraan, the accursed devourer and desecrator of seafaring, takes the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and large horns on the back of its vertebrae. His two servant-beings, Shuugai and Ganod, are no better than him; they are his companions and have a very similar shape, though much smaller.
Alongside the Archdemon and his two servants exist the multitudes of the Dark Deep, unnatural-looking fish and crab creatures. On many of Tirakan's coasts, these creatures are the monsters most feared by fishermen, for it is said that they kidnap fishermen and force them into their own ranks. Demonologists or even pactors of this entity are often found among the cruellest pirates or most depraved elementalists who specialise in perverting the water. The price for these services is unclear, but it is reported that after the demonologist's demise, he joins the ranks of the Dark Deep hosts as one of their captains.