The seventh domain is ruled by Haiphen, who has the human form of a warrior in black armour, but without a face. Haiphen, who is called the cursed lord of the ore and bringer of death with the steel, carries a blue glowing sword and a burning mace with which he strikes deadly wounds. His companions are Ghyogh and Hasoo, the black bloodhounds without eyes. He is considered a patron by many mercenaries who even serve the lizard army or the Minotaurs.
His servants also include the black steellings. Like Dwarves, even if they do not like to hear it, they are always busy forging cursed weapons and also teaching the arts of their weaponsmiths if they are forced to do so in an incantation. But the pactier should be warned, for should he prove unworthy, the weapon will turn against him. But Haiphen and his black metal servants also have other abilities. For example, he can give the demonologist protection against steel, an unnatural armour. But he can also give him the gift of Ghyogh and Hasoo, so that he is able to track down an opponent over extremely long distances and bring him down. However, the Pactician will never be able to approach consecrated weapons by more than two steps.