The dwarf peoples of Tirakan are highly diverse. The Fraxut dwarves are friendly and more inclined towards humans. This may also be due to the fact that their territory lies between the human kingdoms of the Yadosia, Hadewald and Asgoran. The Xordai people, who have their own very strong faith and are rather shy of people, are rather distant. The Morgalas, on the other hand, are a special kind of dwarf. They were enslaved by Wisgu in ancient times and have followed sinister desires since they were drawn into the depths of the earth many centuries ago.

The Xordai are a Dwarf people in the deep south of the continent. According to their historiography, they have been around for about 2500 years, although the neighbouring O'Grut disagree. Not much is known to Humans about this reclusive, distant people, they are only said to have made their acquaintance at the end of the 9th century.

Morgalas (loosely translated as ''The Deep People'') refers to a lineage of Dwarves who, although they belong to one of the oldest peoples of Tirakan, live a tragic and gloomy existence. The origin of the Morgalas lies far away from any known civilisation in the east, but many centuries ago they once settled the whole continent. In the Age of Servants, the king of the Morgalas made a fateful pact with Wisgu that would curse his people forever. With the Demons' decline, the Morgalas also retreated, and were not seen again until they went to war against the Humans on the side of Taurus. The Morgalas are popularly known as Dark Dwarves.