Lhugghu, who heads this domain, is the demonic lord of the wind and the storm, the creator of chaos and envy. Lhugghu takes the form of a black cloud without a face, and his servants, Zzibra and Cayogbaar, accompany him in the form of misshapen ravens without wings and with black skin.
But they can still fly because they defy the laws of nature, being the embodiment of unnature. Lhugghu is often blamed for all sorts of disasters, and there is even an outrageous theory that he, along with Duglaraan, is to blame for some bad spring floods in the past. Zzibra and Cayogbaar also seem to have offspring, as a flock of perverse black birds can often be found around them, albeit with wings that peck out the eyes of their victims. This mob, known as the raven plague, is dismissed as folklore by some magic theorists, however, even though reports of it have been heard time and again. A demonologist who has proven himself worthy of Lhugghu's services can command the wind but also summon the raven plague. Zzzibra and Cayogbaar, however, only seem to appear when their cursed lord is invoked, which has hardly ever happened even among the most depraved Pactians, for the powers of this demon tear most people apart immediately.