The Meridian Empire is one of the oldest human empires in Tirakan. It stretches across the northern land bridge of the continent and is an important trading partner for the realms of Tirakan due to its location on the coasts of the Rocky Sea and the Ocean of Storms. The empire's capital is Merid, one of Tirakan's oldest cities and a major trading centre. Meridian is one of only two realms in Tirakan to have an elected legislature, which is re-elected every three years.
The Meridian Landscape
The Meridian Empire lies in the north of the Tirakian continent. It is bordered by the Rocky Sea to the south and the Ocean of Storms to the west. On the land bridge in between, the lower branches of the Isal River form the border with the neighbouring realm of Yavon to the south.
The Tar river forms the northern border. It separates the realm from the land of the Silkanda. Rising in the northeast of the Angras Plain, it flows westwards along the plains, then southwards past the foothills of the Shadow Mountains before finally joining the Sekaren Gulf. To the east, the Empire extends far into the steppes of the Nur'Tuk.
The landscape of Meridian is mainly characterised by endless plains and wide valleys. The ridges in the centre and the Angras Plain in the north are, with a few exceptions, the only major elevations in the realm. In addition to the border rivers Isar and Tar, there are two other major rivers, both rising from the hills of the central meridian. The Agithos stretches westwards and flows into the Sekarenian Gulf at Agit. The Meridos heads east before splitting at Panthylos and turning south. Its southern lower course flows into the Gulf of Merid, while its western course flows into the Gulf of Thaneb.
Due to the size of the kingdom, the climate varies greatly from region to region. The south and the vast interior of Meridian are characterised by hot, dry summers and warm, snowless winters. Rainfall is only occasional. In the north, the long and often extremely cold winters are covered by an endless blanket of snow, sometimes up to a metre thick. Summers are short and only moderately warm, often accompanied by days of rain. The climate on the coast of the Gulf of Sekaren is particularly mild. It is almost constantly warm throughout the year; summers are seldom hot, and in the winter months the temperature only dips slightly below freezing. During the spring and autumn months, the coastal areas of the realm are often battered by storms brewing over the Sea of Rocks or the Ocean of Storms. Due to the mostly flat landscape, their effects can be felt far inland.
The mostly arid landscape of Meridian is dominated by endless steppes that stretch from the coasts to the barren wastelands of the Angras Plain in the north. In the middle of the vast steppes lie the Panthomean Forests, a vast forested area that stretches for hundreds of miles through the interior of Meridian, covering almost a fifth of the entire realm.
Meridian's civilisation is mainly located along the coast or in the hinterland. There are few cities deep in the heartland, but villages and small settlements can be found almost everywhere. They are usually located near the great imperial roads that run through the endless expanses, connecting the major cities.
The history of Meridian
Chronological overview
- 397 BC - Unification of the tribes by King Mameus, foundation of the Meridian Kingdom
The Time of the Kings
- 397 b.EC - King Mameus
- 353 b.EC - King Makkanimas
- 338 b.EC - King Panothemus
- 331 b.EC - King Acasar
- 302 b.EC - Queen Phyrosinia
- 273 b.EC - King Athimos
- 236 b.EC - King Ephemeus
- 180 b.EC - King Atamenos
The Meridian Empire
- 179 b.EC - King Atamenos proclaims himself emperor
- 172 b.EC - The great famine
- 171 b.EC - The great uprising
The New Meridian
- 171 b.EC - Election of the 1st Council (since then, elections have been held every 3 years)
- 81 b.EC - Gildenhain gains free city status
- 37 EC - Naval Battle of Thaneb and Pact of Hohenfels
- 43 EC - Yavon and the Kingdom of Yadosia join the Pact of Hohenfels
- 138 EC - Attack on the Temple of Pailos in Merid
- 204 EC - Meridian joins the war against the Minotaurs
- 368 EC - Battle of Hell Valley
- 343 EC - Meridian establishes diplomatic relations with the Silkanda
- 391 EC - Meridian joins the Alliance of the Enlightened Realms
- 807 EC - Assembly of the Human Empires and formation of the Imperial Council
- 810 EC - Coronation of the Human Familiar by the Imperial Council
In 397 b.EC, King Mameus unites the Meridian tribes and establishes the Kingdom of Meridian. During his reign, the first major imperial roads, defences and border fortifications are built. He brings together the warriors of the various tribes to form the Royal Meridian Army, which provides security throughout the kingdom. Mameus has the Akkabian port city of Merid built as the capital. He promotes trade and cultural exchange between the tribes, leading to a significant improvement in the living conditions of the entire Meridian population.
King Makkanimas, who came to power in 353 b.EC, continued the work of his predecessor. During his reign, the construction of the imperial roads continued and the construction of the border fortifications was completed. Merid became the trading centre of the empire.
The reign of King Panothemus in 338 b.EC marks the beginning of the development of Meridian's merchant fleet, which only reached its legendary size of a thousand ships under King Acasar (331 b.EC). The merchant fleet catapults Meridian into prosperity and makes the kingdom the undisputed trading power on Tirakan.
The following reigns (Queen Phyrosinia 302-274 b.EC, King Athimos 274-236 b.EC, King Ephemeus 236-180 b.EC) were marked by Meridian's unimaginable wealth. Scholars, artists and philosophers, as well as architects, builders and craftsmen, were brought to Merid and their work was generously supported by the kings. Monumental and magnificent buildings were erected, such as the Great Theatre of Merid, the Theatre of Agit, the Gardens of Samina, and the Arena of Panthylos, which, along with the Minotaur Arena of Krasharrak, was probably the largest arena in Tirakan.
In 180 b.EC, King Atamenos came to power. He quickly proved to be a tyrannical ruler who ruthlessly subjugated and exploited his people. In 179 b.EC he proclaimed himself emperor and in the following years had Merid built into an imperial city. Magnificent, monumental buildings were erected; the entire city resembled a vast palace.
The people of Meridian paid the price for this unimaginable luxury. Emperor Atamenos imposed unreasonable taxes and the population became increasingly impoverished. As a result of the continued exploitation, the Empire was shaken by a great famine in the autumn of 172 b.EC. While the Emperor continued to live in absolute luxury, almost a quarter of the population of Meridian starved to death within a few months.
When the starving people under Democrates, Mayor of Panthylos, rebelled against the Emperor in desperation and attempted to storm Merid, Atamenos had the rebellion bloodily suppressed by imperial troops. Thousands were killed in a matter of days. But the unimaginable hardship and desperation of the people makes the resistance grow stronger.
On new year's day 171 b.EC, Democrates met with various commanders of foreign mercenary armies. He managed to persuade some of them to offer their services to the people of Meridian on credit, and to fight alongside them against the Imperial troops.
The Great Uprising began in the spring. With the help of the battle-hardened mercenaries, the Emperor's armies were quickly repulsed. After only three weeks, the rebels were at the gates of Merid; the city itself was taken within hours. Emperor Atamenos could no longer escape the wrath of his subjects. The rebels threw him from a tower window of his palace to the cheers of the crowd. His body was dragged through the streets of Merid and torn to pieces by the angry crowd.
With the end of imperial tyranny, the Age of the New Meridian began. But the Council, a new form of government on Tirakan that now controlled the political and economic affairs of the Empire, faced difficult challenges. The state treasury was empty, and Meridian had lost its once unrivalled position as the most powerful trading power to Asgoran, both consequences of blatant mismanagement during the imperial era. However, a rigorous reorganisation of Meridian's state system succeeded in reviving trade, and gradually the Meridian Empire began to flourish again.
In the year 37 EC, the naval battle of Thaneb takes place. When a convoy of Asgoran merchant ships is attacked by pirates near Meridian's territorial waters, units of the Meridian Rock Sea Fleet intervene and inflict a devastating defeat on the pirates. The aid provided to the Kingdom of Asgoran leads to a rapprochement between the bitter trade rivals. With the Pact of Hohenfels, the two naval powers agree to a joint and coordinated defence of the sea lanes in the Rocky Sea. Six years later, Yavon and the Kingdom of Yadosia join the pact.
When the realms of Asgoran and Hadewald decide to join forces in 204 EC to combat the ever-advancing Minotaur threat to the north, the combined forces suffer one crushing defeat after another. With the Alliance Against the Hooves, the realms of Asgoran, Hadewald, Meridan, Yavon, Yadosien and Al Bah Ji'Ra seal their mutual military and economic support. For Meridan, it is the catalyst for the most massive military intervention in the empire's history. That same moon, the Meridian fleet lands six legions totalling 36,000 men in southern Tirakan.
At the Battle of Hell Valley in 368 EC, the Minotaur advance was halted on a broad front for the first time. The II. Legion of the Meridian Heavy Infantry, under the command of the famous army commanders General Ludewig and Captain Attila von Cambrella, also known as the Minotaur Fencer, inflicts a bloody defeat on the armies of the bulls. A decades-long trench war breaks out over the strategically important valley for both sides.
In 515 EC, the Imperial Magistrate Andreus Mathroles Maximus seizes power in Merid. He stages a coup with the help of nearly 12,000 Morgalas mercenaries. It is only with the help of the Nur'Tuk that the legendary Attila Maximus is finally overthrown.
Law and government in Meridian
State system
After the great revolt and the end of Emperor Atamenos' reign of terror in 171 b.EC, the state of Meridian was completely reorganised under Democrates. The monarchy with hereditary and birthright aristocracy, which characterised the political conditions during the time of the kings and the empire, is replaced by a freely elected representative body. This form of government, unique on Tirakan, is designed to ensure that the power of the state is used only for the good and benefit of the people of Meridian and each individual citizen.
At the highest level is the council, the governing and legislative body that decides on the political and economic affairs of the realm. It is made up of elected representatives from all walks of life, as well as state officials, and considers itself directly responsible to the Gods for acting in the best interests of the people. Decisions are made by a simple majority, with each member of the council having a single vote. The council is also responsible for the supreme military command.
The composition of the Council Assembly
- 30 representatives freely elected by the people
- 2 representatives for the farmers' guild
- 2 representatives for the fishermen's guild
- 2 representatives for the millers' guild
- 2 representatives for the bakers' guild
- 2 representatives for the butchers' guild
- 2 representatives for the bricklayers' guild
- 2 representatives for the carpenters' guild
- 2 representatives for the guild of blacksmiths & coopers
- 2 representatives for the guild of stonemasons & sculptors
- 2 representatives for the guild of charcoal burners & tanners
- 2 representatives for the guild of coachmen & ferrymen
- 2 representatives for the guild of boatmen & sailors
- 2 representatives for the bookbinders' guild
- 2 representatives for the guild of weavers, tailors & shoemakers
- 2 representatives for the merchants' guild
- 2 representatives for the guild of innkeepers & landlords
- 2 representatives for the guild of civil servants
- 2 representatives for the servants' guild
- 2 representatives for the guild of architects and master builders
- 2 representatives for the guild of librarians
- 2 representatives for the guild of historians
- 2 representatives for the healers' guild
- 2 representatives for the guild of advocates & lawyers
- 2 representatives for the guild of magisters
- 2 representatives for the guild of musicians
- 2 representatives for the guild of artists
- 2 representatives for the guild of philosophers
- 2 representatives for the mages' guild
- 2 representatives for the nobility
- 2 representatives for each of the five provincial magistrates
- 2 representatives for each of the four imperial magistrates
- 2 representatives for each of the three main churches
- 2 representatives for each of the three branches of the military
Note: A special feature of the Meridian state is the dual appointment of two equal office holders to executive positions. This serves to protect official authority from individual despotism, and is applied to all key positions within the state apparatus.
Four imperial magistrates ensure that the laws and decrees passed by the council are carried out. These hierarchically structured civil service apparatuses are distributed throughout the country by their Officii, acting as an extension of the empire into the remotest corners of the empire. The holders of key positions within each imperial magistrate are accountable to the council. They can be reappointed each year.
The Quaestorium manages the finances of the empire. In consultation with the council, it approves the funds needed by the other three imperial magistrates each year and sets the amount of taxes to be levied. Any unneeded funds are invested as a reserve.
The Aedilium is responsible for exercising police powers. In addition to maintaining public order and prosecuting crimes, the Aedilium is also responsible for securing the empire's borders. It consists of the general staff of the Meridian Foreign Legion and a small staff of civil servants who regulate the technical procedures of the state for the military. The legion's absolute loyalty gives the general staff a free hand in achieving the desired results.
The Consularium oversees trade. It sets the conditions, tariffs and quantities for the import and export of goods, maintains and expands the necessary infrastructure and regulates intra-Meridian trade in consultation with the guilds.
The Censorium is responsible for the interests of the people. From tax collection and welfare to the organisation of the school and guild system, the supervision of morality and the handling of citizens' petitions, its remit covers all areas of public life. It also organises elections and censuses.
The territory of the Meridian Empire is divided into five provinces. Named after the ancient Meridian tribes, they encompass the original territory of each tribe. Each province is led by a provincial magistrate, who has the authority to issue orders to the city magistrates under his jurisdiction.
The composition of the provincial and municipal magistrates
- Representatives of the people
- 2 representatives for each of the guilds
- 2 representatives for each of the four imperial magistrates' offices
- 2 representatives for each of the town magistrates (provincial magistrates only)
- 2 representatives for each of the three main churches
Note: The number of representatives varies depending on the total number of permanent representatives.
The Meridian provinces and their administrative capitals
- Meridien (Thaneb)
- Akkabinien (Merid)
- Panthome (Panthylos)
- Sekarenien (Agit)
- Hakkrabbala (Hakkrabbala)
Once a year, the citizens of the meridian empire are called to vote. The council, provincial and city magistrates are elected every three years. Elections to the various governmental bodies are held at one-year intervals, so as not to unnecessarily paralyse the workings of the state. Both men and women over the age of 18 are eligible to vote. With two votes, they elect one candidate for the office of free representative of the people, known as the tribunes, and one candidate to represent their own profession. Any Meridan citizen over the age of 20 can stand for election.
Excerpts from the meridian laws
I. The human, male or female, is created by the Gods as a free and equal being. Slavery, serfdom and inheritance are contrary to the will of the Gods. Every citizen of Meridian is therefore free from birth. II. Created as a free being, the Gods have given the human the ability to determine his own life. Every citizen of Meridian has the right to pursue the profession of his choice, to choose his own spouse, to live in the place of his choice, and to pray to the Gods of his choice, as long as he does not act to the detriment of another citizen or the realm.
The Praetorium is responsible for the administration of justice in the meridian empire. Divided into numerous city courts and the five higher provincial courts, judges and jurists appointed by the council hear disputes, misdemeanours and crimes. The highest judicial authority in the realm is the council itself. However, it only rules in this capacity in very exceptional cases, such as high treason and crimes against the meridian empire, or when the provincial courts refer a case to the council assembly due to its special nature or scope.
Any citizen of Meridian, plaintiff or defendant, has the right to hire a lawyer or jurist to represent their interests before the Praetorium. If they cannot afford the fee, the empire will pay for it.
The penal system in the meridian empire is relatively humane, largely avoiding the use of draconian and cruel punishments. Minor crimes are usually dealt with lightly and serve an educational purpose. Serious crimes are punished with long imprisonment and hard labour. The death penalty is largely avoided and used only very rarely. It is generally regarded as barbaric and requires the approval of the council if it is to be used.
Alliances and contacts
As a trading power, Meridian is interested in peaceful and balanced relations with all the realms of Tirakan. Enforcing its foreign policy with military force is therefore an accepted means of fighting pirates. The only exception is the Alliance Against the Hooves. Since the reorganisation of the Meridian state system in 171 b.EC, the council has maintained embassies or diplomatic missions in almost all of Tirakan's realms. As a result of numerous and regular consultations, there are a large number of treaties, alliances and agreements:
Trade agreements exist with almost every empire. They regulate the demand for goods and commodities, conditions and tariffs for imports, delivery quantities, delivery times and payment.
The Pact of Hohenfels regulates the security of sea and trade routes in the Rocky Sea. A joint staff ensures the effective coordination of the individual naval units. The military alliance was founded by the Kingdom of Asgoran and the Meridian Empire after the naval battle of Thaneb in 37 EC. In 43 EC, Yavon and the Kingdom of Yadosia also join the Pact of Hohenfels.
The Alliance against the Hoof seals the mutual military and economic support of the realms of Asgoran, Hadewald, Meridan, Yavon, Yadosien and Al Bah Ji'Ra in the fight against the Minotaurs, who are advancing further and further north. It was brokered by Hadewald and the Kingdom of Asgoran in 204 EC, and was the catalyst for the meridian empire's military intervention.
The life of the people
The meridian empire is a melting pot of different peoples and cultures. Originating from the five meridian tribes, the Akkabinians, the Meridians, the Panthomeans, the Sekarenes and the Hakkraballa tribe of the Nur'Tuk, the population has mixed heavily with other Tirakan peoples over the centuries. This is largely due to the wealth of the Meridian trading power, but also to the Empire's liberal government and legal system since 171 b.EC. Both attract not only political and economic refugees, but also merchants, diplomats and skilled workers who bring their culture, customs and traditions to meridian society. Due to this constant cultural mix, the meridian population is extremely cosmopolitan and hospitable.
Like their brown eyes, black or brown hair is a typical characteristic of the people of Meridian. Their skin has a brownish tinge, which is slightly darker among the Nur'Tuk. Mixing with other cultures has also brought foreign influences such as blonde hair and blue or green eyes. Height and build are mostly average.
The traditional and most common article of clothing is the tunic, a shirt-like garment that is belted at the waist. Depending on whether it is worn in the sunny south or the colder north, the length varies from thigh-length and sleeveless to ankle-length and long-sleeved. The fabrics also vary. Linen and silk or wool and velvet are used, depending on the climate.
The colouring of the tunics is subject to strict rules. Purple is reserved for civil servants, black for the military. Any other colour may be used, although the tunics of citizens are usually white. Decorations are popular, especially ornaments, but also representations of animals and Plants. For civil servants and the military, silver and gold decorations are used to indicate office and rank.
A wide cloth, the toga, is often worn with the tunic. It is oval in shape, about 4 paces long and 2 paces wide. Folded lengthwise, it is draped around the body in various ways. Like the tunic, the toga is made of linen, silk, velvet or wool, and there are strict rules about its colour. White togas identify officials, purple those of the military. Decorations are generally rare and rather plain. The most common footwear is leather sandals, which are fastened under the foot by laces around the calves. Boots, like trousers, are only worn in the cold regions of the Empire or by the military.
The wearing of weapons is primarily a matter of display. Officials with executive powers carry a small axe as a symbol of the authority granted to them by the empire, while members of the military carry the gladius, the traditional sword.
Since the reorganisation of the state, meridian society has consisted of free citizens with equal rights. The classes of the wealthy and born aristocracy, the clergy and the military still exist, but they have been stripped of all privileges. The path to political office is open to any citizen, regardless of social background. On the other hand, social class still plays a role, albeit a representative one, in social events. Well-known and important personalities are always among the invited guests.
Citizens and the State
Caring for each and every citizen is the highest duty of the empire. Many institutions are needed to fulfil this enormous responsibility. With public schools and compulsory education for children between the ages of six and twelve, the empire ensures a comparatively high level of education for its population. Almost every citizen of Meridian can read, write and do arithmetic. Talents and aptitudes are encouraged at an early age and are often crucial to later career choices. Highly gifted children are offered the opportunity to study at the Great University of Merid, and magically gifted children can attend the Academy of Arcane Arts.
The guild system provides vocational training for citizens. Through its right to have a say in the regulation of the inner meridian economy, it prevents the emergence of harmful competition in densely populated areas. The empire also has a comprehensive social security system. The relief fund pays a poor man's pension to the invalids, widows and orphans to ensure a dignified survival. The fund also helps to bridge any loss of income due to illness and even pays for medical treatment. From the age of 60, the Empire pays a pension to every citizen of the Empire to ensure a comfortable retirement.
Despite the empire's extensive spending, the tax burden on the population is relatively low, as the ever-increasing trade revenues keep the treasury full.
Art, music and sports
The empire's extensive welfare system for the benefit of its citizens allows for a carefree life for all social classes. Outside of work, this attitude to life is reflected in personal development and the way in which leisure time is spent. Art and music are therefore universally valued forms of expression, in both private and social contexts. This is evidenced not only by the artistic architecture of the buildings and the numerous theatres where such cultural events take place. The empire's generous support of artists, musicians, writers and philosophers is known far beyond its borders and is very much in the interests of the people. Sporting events such as chariot races, boxing and wrestling matches, non-lethal gladiatorial contests and the famous Panthylos Games are also extremely popular. Betting on such events is widespread, and athletes and gladiators are highly respected in society.
Trade has always been the lifeblood of meridian. With the founding of the empire under King Mameus, the exchange of goods between the tribes began to intensify, gradually spreading far beyond its borders. The construction of the Viae Imperii, the imperial roads, played a significant role in this, as they allowed for fast travel and efficient transport of goods.
The steady expansion of trade relations and the growing demand for Meridian goods led to the construction of a huge merchant fleet under Kings Panothemus and Acasar. From then on, trade not only brought enormous wealth to the empire, but the range of goods available in Meridian's markets was unrivalled on Tirakan. The meridian empire rose to become a leading trading power, with the capital city of Merid becoming the northern centre of trade.
During the imperial era, blatant mismanagement and relentless plundering of the treasury led to the collapse of inner meridian's trading structures. The result was not only the loss of dominance as the leading trading power to Asgoran, but also an indescribable famine that spread throughout the empire and ultimately triggered the great uprising.
With the end of the imperial era and the reorganisation of the meridian polity, the trade system was also reorganised. At the top is the Consularium, the imperial magistrate responsible for coordinating the entire trade system. In an effort to expand foreign trade, the Consularium is responsible for setting the conditions, tariffs and quantities required for the import and export of goods, as well as maintaining and expanding the necessary infrastructure.
The guild system acts as an extension of the Consularium. As well as providing vocational training, the guilds are primarily concerned with improving working conditions in their respective professions. They advise the imperial magistrate on the regulation of the inner meridian economy. For example, the guilds prevent harmful competition in densely populated areas, recommend the recruitment of necessary skilled workers from abroad, and determine the quantities required for the production of important imported goods.
Thanks to the efficient reorganisation of the trade system, Meridian's economic decline is short-lived. The empire quickly recovers and regains its position as Tirakan's leading trading power. The economic consequences of the Storm of the Hoofs for the southern empires ultimately consolidate their supremacy. By the middle of the 4th century, virtually all empires depend on the Meridian for supplies, reinforcements and military support.
Meridian trade goods
**Wood is a building material that is in constant and universal demand. The Pantheon Forest has an almost inexhaustible supply of various types of wood. In addition to the actual wood, wood products are also traded.
Cities and special Places in Meridian
The cities of Meridian
All cities in the meridian empire have a similar appearance. A mighty fortified wall with towers surrounds the city itself, with the public buildings in the centre. The quarters around the centre are home to residential buildings, taverns and shops. The barracks of the local legion are located outside the city, next to the surrounding wall.
Political leadership is the responsibility of the magistrates. They are made up of the local leaders of the guilds, temples and officia, as well as a number of people's representatives, depending on the total number of permanent representatives. These tribunes are elected by the people every three years. The magistrates, in turn, send two permanent representatives to the supreme provincial magistrate, who represents the province and its cities in the council.
The local legion headquarters have no say in the political affairs of the cities. They are solely responsible for the organisation of security and defence, in which the military is given a largely free hand by the magistrate.
The cities are dominated by the magnificent secular and religious buildings that house the institutions of the empire and the temples of the churches. These monumental buildings in limestone or marble are typical of meridian architecture and are examples of the highest level of architectural skill.
The main stylistic feature is the use of rows of columns, in addition to the predominantly rectangular ground plans and symmetrical structures. They characterise the fronts and external facades of the buildings and are usually adorned with elaborate decoration. Wide, sweeping staircases, sometimes encircling the building, lead to the entrances. The gables of the roofs, which rise on the long sides, are decorated with elaborate reliefs and sculptures. They depict scenes from public or religious life, or the history of the Meridian. The interiors, also lined with columns, are dominated by imposing statues, mosaics and murals.
In contrast to the public buildings, the residential buildings were of simple but sturdy brick construction. Typical features include the rectangular shape, flat roofs surrounded by a small wall, smaller or larger terraces and balconies supported by columns. Flowerbeds and gardens with ornamental and useful Plants provide colour and bloom.
The cast mortar technique is used in the construction of roads and fortifications because of the required load-bearing capacity of the building material. In combination with brickwork, it is used in the construction of aqueducts, viaducts and dams. Vaulted construction is predominant in such buildings.
Cities in Meridian
- Merid
- Agit
- Hakkrabbala
- Isalthos
- Panthylos
- Phyracis
- Samina
- Seccahra
- Thaneb
- The Free City of Gildenhain
Other Places
- The Angras Plains
- The Panthomean Forest
The language of Meridian
The meridian language is a mixture of the ancient tribal languages of Akkadian, Meridian, Pantomian, Secarenean and the Hakkraballa dialect of the Nur'Tuk people. After the unification of the tribes by King Mameus in 397 b.EC, not only did the different ethnic groups mix, but the different dialects also merged into a new, unified language.
A typical feature is the absence of definite and indefinite articles; gender, case, number and tense are only indicated by the end of the word. Two-syllable words are stressed on the first syllable, and three- or more-syllable words on the third-last syllable. If the penultimate syllable is long, it is stressed. When double sounds are pronounced, the individual vowels are usually audible. C' is pronounced like 'k' and 'th' like 't'.
The similarity to Golduruk is particularly striking. Not only do the two languages sound almost identical, but their spellings also appear to be related. However, there is no common root.
Male first names almost always end in -as, -es, -os and -us, but there are exceptions. Naming follows the traditional names of each tribe. Examples: Acasar, Archemidos, Athimos, Athilos, Attila, Casemus, Casimus, Crasenius, Crassus, Croesenius, Darios, Dacthylos, Daminithos, Democrates, Domethios, Emilius, Emoreides, Ephemeus, Ephenius, Herakledes, Heridos, Heros, Horeb, Ichonius, Irimedes, Makkanimas, Mameus, Marcos, Marcus, Meridos, Orphelius, Panothemus, Pereidos, Tachius, Thanus, Tharius, Thenos, Xainos, Xenaidos
Female first names always end in -a. As with male first names, the naming follows the traditional names. Examples: Amidia, Amydia, Arcadia, Athina, Casandria, Casenia, Casilia, Casinia, Damylia, Daria, Democratia, Emylia, Ephalia, Ephenia, Epyrenia, Hamilina, Herydia, Horelia, Ilaria, Ilinia, Irinaya, Marinia, Meridia, Meridiana, Orphelia, Orphilia, Orelia, Panthomea, Perediana, Phyrosinia, Salina, Samina, Samynia, Thanilana, Xena, Xenia
Family names are derived from the original tribe, hometown or occupation of the parents and are characterised by the ending -idis. This is added to the stem form by means of a linking consonant or by dropping the preceding vowel. Examples: (Tribe) Akkanbinidis, Hakkrabbalidis, Meridinidis, Panthomenidis, Sekarenidis; (City) Agitidis, Hakkrabbalidis, Merididis, Phanthylosidis, Phyracidis, Saminidis, Thanebidis; (Occupation) Magisteridis, Medicusidis, Mercatoridis, Praetoridis
Everyday terms Examples: (Society) Barbarus = barbarian; civis = citizen; civitas = citizenship; lex = law; nobilis = nobility; (professions) magister = teacher, master; medicus = healer; mercator = merchant; praetor = judge; quaestor = tax collector (structures) metropolis = city; necropolis = burial ground, cemetery; templum = temple, sanctuary; theatrum = theatre; viaduct = bridge; (Miscellaneous) gladyus = sword; herba = plant
Currency, weights and measures in Meridian
As early as 396 b.EC, just one year after the foundation of the Empire, King Mameus introduced a uniform coinage that has been in use ever since. The dracene is minted in gold, the diat in silver and the acos in copper.
- 1 Dracene (D) = 10 Diats = 1 Barren = 1000 €
- 1 Diat (Di) = 100 Acos = 100 €
- 1 Acos (A) = 1 Gulden = 1 €
Weights and measurements
The classification of weights and measurements is based on the so-called metric system, which was also introduced by King Mameus in 396 b.EC. Developed by Akkadian mathematicians, it replaces the previously used body-related measurements (finger, foot, ell, step), which varied greatly from tribe to tribe. The relationship between weights and measures can be illustrated as follows: a cube with an edge length of one decimetre holds one litre of water, which in turn weighs one cilligram.
Note: It is no longer possible to determine exactly what the original measure was. However, it is assumed that either the personal jug or the king's stride length was chosen.
Length measurements:
- 1 Cilometrum (CiM) = 1.000 Metri = 1 mile = 1 kilometer
- 1 Metrum (M) = 10 Decimetri = 1 pace = 1 meter
- 1 Decimetrum (DM) = 10 Centimetri = 1 hand = 10 centimeter
- 1 Centimetrum (CeM) = 10 Millimetri = 1 finger = 1 centimeter
- 1 Millimetrum (MM) = 1 millimeter
Area measurements:
- 1 Ciloquadrametrum (CQM) = 1.000.000 Quadrametri = 1 square kilometer
- 1 Quadrametrum (QM) = 1 square meter
Capacity measurements:
- 1 Hectolitrum (HL) = 100 Litri = 1 barrel = 100 liter
- 1 Litrum (L) = 10 Decilitri = 1 liter
- 1 Decilitrum (DL) = 10 Centilitri = 0,1 liter
- 1 Centilitrum (CL) = 10 Millilitri = 0,01 liter
- 1 Millilitrum (ML) = 1 milliliter
- 1 Millogramma (MG) = 1.000 Cilogramma = 1 load = 1 ton
- 1 Cilogramma (CG) = 1.000 Grammatis = 1 Block = 1 kilogram
- 1 Gramma (G) = 1 Oth = 1 gram
The right to mint, weigh and calibrate lies solely with the Qaestorium. The Meridian penal code prescribes three years' imprisonment for counterfeiting and tampering with coins or calibrated measures and weights.
The meridian foreign legion
'...and so I hand over to you those brave men and women who stood by us in our darkest hour and protected us in our weakest hour.'_ ~ from the farewell speech of Democrates
The meridian foreign legion is undoubtedly Tirakan's largest and most advanced military force, with a total strength of 148,000 men. Founded in 171 b.EC as an army to defend the new Meridian, it was formed from the foreign mercenary contingents that had previously fought alongside the meridian people against emperor Atamenos' army during the great uprising. The ever-loyal mercenary army feels bound by this tradition, and has seen itself as a protective force for the people of meridian and the council ever since.
The meridian foreign legion can't complain of a lack of recruits. The service is attractive, drawing men and women from all over Tirakan to Panthylos. For those interested in the art of war, the legion offers many reasons to join its ranks. The pay is considerably higher than in any other army, allowing them to save a small fortune during their time of service. The good treatment of the legionnaires, their excellent food and the luxurious accommodation in single cells by military standards also make the decision easier, as does the not insignificant fact that the mortality rate is comparatively low due to the excellent training and equipment of the legionnaires, unlike in other armies. At the end of their term of service, which is usually ten years, former legionnaires are granted meridianian citizenship, which means that they have completely retired from civilian life.
Note: Despite the massive deployment of the meridian foreign legion against the minotaur armies on the front lines, the legionnaires' chances of survival are far greater than those of soldiers in any of the other armies involved. The forced recruitment that began in the southern empires from the 4th century onwards sparked a huge influx of volunteers hoping for a better fate in the hands of the legion.
The training of the meridian foreign legion is considered the best and toughest military training in Tirakan. It lasts almost three years and covers every aspect of warfare, from physical training to instruction in navigation, strategy and tactics. Special attention is paid to the teaching of actual combat skills. Every legionnaire receives intensive training in the use of sword, spear, bow, crossbow and shield, as well as unarmed combat. Reading, writing, arithmetic and a good knowledge of the Meridian language are also part of the curriculum. The legionnaires are provided with excellent food, their own small quarters, plenty of leisure time and a weekly day off to distract them from the hard daily drill.
Officers are trained at the Army Academy of Land Warfare in Panthylos or the Naval Academy of Naval Warfare in Phyracis, depending on their branch of service. In addition to the standard legionnaire's armour, candidates are taught the art of leading and commanding troops, as well as military history and diplomacy.
Even after three years of intensive training, constant training and manoeuvres are part of the legionnaires' daily routine. As a result, the meridian empire always has a highly motivated, powerful and ready army.
The meridian military consists of an army, a navy and an intelligence service. Each branch is divided into large units called legions, which are stationed in Meridian cities or their surrounding areas for easier supply in times of peace. Each legion has its own units for reconnaissance, support with heavy weapons and magic, supply and transport. The entire military apparatus is strictly hierarchical.
The composition of the legions:
- 1 legion = 10 cohorts = 6000 men
- 1 cohort = 3 maniples = 600 men
- 1 maniple = 2 centuries = 200 men
- 1 century = 10 decuries = 100 men
- 1 decurie = 10 men
Note: The legions of the fleet are smaller than those of the army, with a strength of 4,000 men each. They are also made up of 10 cohorts, but each cohort is made up of 2 men instead of 3.
Military ranks:
- Legatus = General/Admiral (officer)
- Cohortio = Colonel/Fleet Captain (officer)
- Centurio = Captain/Commander (officer)
- Decurio = Lieutenant/Boatswain (non-commissioned officer)
- Legionarius = Private/Sailor (enlisted)
The supreme decision-making body of the meridian military is the general staff. It is composed of the generals of the army, the admirals of the fleet and the head of the Meridian Information Service, and reports directly to the council.
The meridian army
The meridian army is the largest land force in Tirakan. Its main task is to secure the borders and cities and to maintain public order.
- Light infantry: 6 legions = 36,000 men
- Heavy infantry: 6 legions = 36,000 men
- Light cavalry: 6 legions = 36,000 men
- Chariots: 2 legions = 12,000 men
Elite Legion Democrates (Bodyguard of the council and city guard of Merid) 6,000 men
The meridian fleet
As well as protecting Meridian's territorial waters, the main role of the fleet is to secure the sea and trade routes. Since the beginning of the 6th century, the meridian fleet has also been increasingly involved in the fight against the Minotaurs.
- Marines: 4 legions = 16,000 men
about 280 galleys of the Marcos class (Crew: 86 sailors, armament: 1 rotating catapult, 1 rotating awl, 6 hornets, ram, 1 boarding bridge)
about 90 galleys of the Phyracis class (Crew: 126 marines, armament: 1 rotating catapult, 2 rotating awls, 10 hornets, ram, 2 boarding bridges)
The Meridian Information Service (MID)
The MID is the intelligence arm of the meridian military and is one of the best intelligence services in the Tirakan. Its main tasks are intelligence gathering and enemy reconnaissance, but it also engages in disinformation, sabotage and targeted assassination. The elite meridian unit is available for covert operations, and its agents are specially trained for such tasks. Its extensive intelligence network extends to the furthest corners of the continent, keeping the council well informed at all times.
- Meridian Elite Legion: 6,000 men
Equipment and military technology
The weapons and equipment of the Meridianian Legionaries are the stuff of which the soldiers of other Tirakan armies can only dream. Whether it be clothing, armour or weapons, nothing is too expensive for the empire, and only the best will do. The cost of equipping a single legionnaire is many times greater than the cost of equipping entire units in most other realms. Field tunics and trousers are made of the finest meridian linen, and the heavy boots are of the finest leather. Only Hakkra steel is used for vambraces, greaves, armour and helmets, and all armour is lined with velvet to prevent pressure points and chafing. Gladius, spear, bow and shield are also made of Hakkra steel and cedar wood, while the baldric is made of leather.
The superiority of the meridian foreign legion is due not only to the quality of its weapons and equipment, but also to their constant improvement. The research facilities in Panthylos and Phyracis have enormous resources at their disposal, and improvements are constantly being made to everything from footwear to artillery. The Meridian war machine is always at the cutting edge of technology. The alliance that the kingdom of Asgoran formed with the Gnomes in 486 EC also helped to maintain meridian's technological superiority in warfare in the future.
Maintaining a standing army is an extremely expensive business. This is especially true of the meridian foreign legion. The quality of training, equipment, food and pay of the legionnaires consumes huge sums of money from the state coffers. On top of this comes the enormous cost of constantly developing the war machine. It is not surprising, then, that the meridian empire's defence budget is many times larger than that of most other empires. For the wealthy Meridian, however, this financial burden is manageable. An expensive investment, but a guarantee of freedom, peace and prosperity.
The warrior dynasty of Cambrella
The Cambrella dynasty is undoubtedly one of the most famous warrior dynasties in Tirakan history. Its roots can be traced back to the 1st century, and the exploits of its members have added to the fame of the House of Attila throughout the ages. The dynasty was originally descended from the fierce Cambrellas, an extremely warlike tribe of the Nur'Tuk, who lived on the Cambrella plain until their destruction by the Minotaurs.
Outstanding figures of the Cambrella dynasty:
Attila the Barbarian (41-115 EC):
The founder of the famous dynasty, Attila the Barbarian arrives in the meridian empire as a young warrior with the horse traders of his tribe on the annual Nur'Tuk Horde Ride. Interested in the civilised and exciting world, he joins a motley group of adventurers with whom he travels the continent for many years. During this time, the yadosian knight Jacques de Wulfen has a particularly strong influence on the untamed Attila, turning the hot-blooded Nur'Tuk into an honourable warrior.
Attila I achieved historic fame at the Battle of Grolmenfurt, where he single-handedly slaughtered almost the entire bodyguard of the black sorcerer Prince Neto of Asgoran and beheaded the prince himself.
Captain Attila of Cambrella, known as 'The Minotaur Slayer' (346-443 EC):
The future Captain Attila was one of the few survivors of Cambrella to escape extermination at the hands of the Minotaurs. Having lost his homeland, he joined the meridian foreign legion, where he quickly earned a reputation as an excellent swordsman and horseman. He was promoted to sergeant and given command of a mounted reconnaissance decuria. From then on, he took to the field against the armies of the Minotaurs.
He inflicted heavy casualties on the Minotaurs with his strategic cavalry attacks and his habit of riding into the thick of battle ahead of his soldiers, defying death. His courage in facing the dreaded bulls, even in single combat, made him a living legend. Even his hoofed enemies respect him as an equal, honourable and dangerous opponent. Not only does he defeat the dreaded minotaur generals Orok, Krashak and Ridrak, but he is also invited to the arena of Krasharrak for a duel with General Gondorok.
General Ludewig, the famous commander of the meridian army, recognised the young captain's talent early on and, with Attila's help, managed to halt the relentless advance of the Minotaur armies at a strategic point on the front line for the first time. The myth of the invincible Minotaurs was shattered at the Battle of Hell's Gate in 368 EC. Captain Attila is known for his strong opposition to the Inquisition Magica and especially its military arm, the Falcons, whose actions he publicly criticised and denounced. However, his fame and legendary reputation make him untouchable for the Inquisition, who would face a revolt from their entire army if they attempted to arrest him.
He eventually retired from active military service at the age of sixty, but continued to serve as a sought-after advisor, teaching at the Academy of Land Warfare in Panthylos. Captain Attila of Cambrella died undefeated at the ripe old age of ninety-seven. Note: The legendary tabard bearing the rank insignia of the 209 Minotaur warriors who died in battle is on display at the Academy of Land Warfare in Panthylos.
Attila the One-Armed (436-515 EC):
As the son of his legendary father, young Attila had a difficult legacy to live up to. Attempting to follow in his father's footsteps, he lost his left arm in a duel with a Minotaur. Attila the One-Armed is the only Attila to have a statue erected in his honour in Merid after the events of the Great Revolt.