Goblins exist in many regions, scattered or gathered as loose tribes. Three goblin tribes have formed over time, and these have persisted beyond the age of humans.
Deep in shady caves, crevices or even on the slopes of volcanoes, this primitive, backward people can be found. They measure just over one step, their skin is wrinkled and ashen. Their mouths and claws are covered with sharp teeth and claws. They usually wear skins and wield primitive wedges or axes as weapons. Sometimes they are also seen with rusty short swords, which they have probably taken from one of their victims. Their language consists of only a few words and resembles a croaking grunt and scream. Their bloodlust is known throughout the country and feared especially in small remote villages and settlements. They are cowardly creatures of darkness and when they attack, it is only when they are vastly outnumbered. Some of them have been seen in the midst of the Echsian army, or as slaves of Morgalas or Asch-Ta-Khi chieftains. A single dark goblin is not a serious opponent for a warrior, but where there is one, there are usually more...
They are people of small stature, reaching the size of a human child in adulthood. At the same time, they are characterised by wrinkled skin that resembles the skin of a human grizzly and is greenish-yellow in colour. With increasing age, the skin of an O'grut becomes darker and darker, almost black in one who reaches the age of 50, which generally corresponds to the life expectancy of these beings.
This goblin people, also known as the High Goblins, were originally a widespread nomadic people of the barbarian steppes in the 1st and 2nd century. With the awakening of the bulls, they retreated further and further into the north of the continent and lost their tribal cohesion. There are the most diverse tribes and clans scattered all over Tirakan. Besides extremely warlike, sometimes even man-eating tribes, there are also peaceful or reclusive ones.