"When I think of my time in Toran, the first thing that comes to mind are the Toran virtues. Truthfulness and honesty are sacred to the Toranian, as well as extraordinary diligence and the well-known Toranian modesty. Life in the cities is characterized by lively activity. Everywhere you see armed men on duty. Where the youth of Yadosia work in the fields or give themselves up to leisure, the Toranians send their children to school at a young age." ~ Jaques Haviere, Yadosian poet and explorer.
The landscape of Toran
Toran lies to the south of Yavon, its northern border formed directly by the massive fortifications of Dia'r Hames. Dark coniferous forests cover many parts of the kingdom, some of which are interrupted by extremely fertile valleys and steppes. In the west of the kingdom lies the flat Wolf Mountains, which reach to the coast of the Western Sea. To the east, the empire shares a border with Yadosia, an area that has often led to wars and disputes over the centuries. In the south, the empire turns into a fertile steppe, the wild pastures, which, however, in some parts are infested with the dreaded knife grass. The empire ends here at the border with the lands of the Katora Orcs. The two great rivers of the realm, the Südarm and the Brucht, as well as the lake delta Eichental, are also found here.
Hardly any kingdom knows such weather extremes as Toran. As biting, cold and merciless the winter, as hot and sweaty the summer. The storms of autumn and the thaw of spring are so well known that there are songs and legends about them in the other kingdoms.
The lands of Toran are extremely fertile and rich in species, so there have never been major famines in Toran's history. Especially in the south of the country, around the Eichental, there are many nutritious plants and large herds of elk and deer.
The civilized life of Toran takes place mainly in the cities. The largest city is Bärheim, the capital to the north. Also in the north are Eichheim and Steinburg. In the center of the empire you can find Alastahar, the trading city Minnressa, as well as the small harbor city and order city Kahlherz. The so-called "Pearl of the South" Bütting is located directly on the southern border, and a few miles to the east is the city of Mirning, the so-called Gateway to the Desert. However, smaller villages and towns can be found all over the country, and along the lake delta there are mainly numerous farming villages. Similar to Meridian, the largest settlements are connected by imperial roads, here called King's Paths.
The history of Toran
March of the Orcs (267 b.EC)
The Katora invade the lands of the Eichbund, a loose alliance of 36 small states. The event becomes known as the First Great March of the Orcs.
The League of Oaks (265 BC)
The countries of the Eichbund are united under King William of Hartenheim. The Kingdom of Toran is formed, which successfully defends itself against the Orcs in the following years.
The Yadosian-Toran War (25 EC)
A dispute over land ownership in the borderlands of the kingdoms erupts between the new Yadosian king Bertram von Donnerbruch and his Toranian counterpart King Warnemuth von Hartenheim. The Yadosian-Toranian war begins and lasts for two years. The war is considered to be one of the shortest and hardest conflicts the new empires of Tirakan have ever had among themselves. It ends in a complete defeat for Toran and a Yadosian king takes the Toranian throne. 4 years later, King Bertram of Donnerbruch is chased out of Toran during a peasant uprising and the son of Wanemuth, Wilhelm von Hartenheim ascends the throne.
Law and Politics in Toran
The social order of Toran is firmly based on the belief in a strong king or queen. The king is the central judicial and political body of the country, as well as the supreme commander of the army. He is assisted by a council of ten faithful who are elected by the people every ten years. Two ruling houses share the claim to the throne, the House of Hartenheim and the House of Kirschheim. The succession to the throne is determined by the ten faithful, depending on which candidate they deem more suitable. This system has proven to be remarkably stable over the centuries.
The city governors, sent by the king, have jurisdiction in the individual cities. However, any citizen of Toran who feels that he has been unjustly treated by a governor has the right to bring his case before the king again. The judicial system in Toran is considered fair, but the punishments are relatively harsh. For example, the death penalty is still imposed for crimes such as grand theft, and torture can be part of the sentence for particularly gruesome crimes such as murder or rape. Public quartering is particularly "popular" here.
In contrast to other realms, Toran is quite liberal about magic. This also explains the tolerance towards the Nekrolarium in the south of the country. Necrology is not under severe punishment in Toran, only the public use in cities is forbidden. The tolerance towards magic probably has its roots in the fact that a Toranian thinks little of magic and rather dismisses it as a gimmick.
In hardly any other realm is the bureaucracy as well developed as in Toran. Everything and everyone is registered, the wearing of identity papers within the borders of the realm is obligatory, a circumstance that regularly causes displeasure, especially among traveling merchants. A census is taken every five years, during which the identity cards of the inhabitants are also renewed. Merchants in particular complain about the sometimes cumbersome documents that are required to export goods or to engage in trade. Those who are caught inside Toran without the necessary documents are immediately subject to compulsory recruitment and are expected to leave immediately for the front. The flood of necessary documents in Toran have already become the subject of mocking songs, even in the other kingdoms.
The Currency of Toran
Within Toran, only the Toranian currency is accepted, however, at the borders as well as within the cities, exchange offices can be found everywhere, which accept and exchange the currencies of the other realms without any problems.
The Life of the People
Toran has a tightly run military. Every Toran resident, male or female, of draftable age 16 or older is required to complete a year of military service every five years. As a result, many find their way into the military altogether. The people are proud of their army, which wears the characteristic " pointy helmets" . Another trademark of the people and especially of the officers is the mustache, which has earned the Toranians the nickname "the bearded ones". Toranian women are known beyond the borders for their tall stature and beauty.
Every Toranian is obliged to bring his children to school, compulsory education was introduced as early as 60 BC and is still an integral part of Toranian culture. The universities of Toran are known far beyond the borders of the kingdom, but since these are exclusively military academies, students must necessarily be enrolled in the army. This requirement ensures that the country's intellectuals are close to the military and thus to the king, and counteracts anti-monarchist currents. Nevertheless, there are also opponents of the strong military in Toran. Time and again, there are reports of free fighters who are said to be in the forests of Toran, waging a bitter struggle against the crown. The military acts against these groups with merciless harshness, the topic as such is considered a state secret and internal matter of Toran and is not discussed with outsiders.
Toran's horses are particularly well known. Everywhere in the forests of the empire are found stately wild horses, which, trained as riding horses, are particularly suitable as war and work animals. It is therefore hardly surprising that the Toranian mounted cavalry is considered one of the best mounted units in Tirakan.
The cities of Toran
The architecture of Toranian cities is more like fortresses. Unlike the free architecture of Meridian cities, for example, Toranian cities appear squat and gloomy. Their high walls are manned at all times by guards ready to defend themselves, and the areas of the city are divided up and carefully marked out. Everyone and everything that enters and leaves the cities is carefully recorded by the bureaucrats, whoever enters a city has to pay a city duty, which varies according to the imported goods or wagons and the number of people.
The most impressive city is the capital Bärheim. Situated on a small hill, this mighty fortress overlooks the Bärtal valley. Visible from afar is the so-called Bärturm, which towers over the 40-step high walls by another 20 steps. Here is the residence of the Toranian kings and thus the seat of government of the kingdom.
Alastahar, which is also called the city of towers, is an exception in the construction of the cities. Although the city is also surrounded by a high wall, this was built later. The city itself has its roots in the ancient kingdom of Elentrea, which can be seen in its architecture and is already evident in its name. All houses in the city are high, white towers, in which mainly noble families or rich merchants have settled. The highest towers of the city reach a height of almost 80 threads, the smallest are about 20 threads high. The towers are connected to each other with suspension bridges, so that the inhabitants of the "high city" do not even have to touch the ground of the city to move around inside it. At ground level, the so-called "low city," only beggars, the poor and the sick are found. Nowhere else in the empire is the two-class society between the nobility and the people as clearly visible as here.
The Nekrolarium
Toran is home to one of the few known schools of necrology. The Nekrolarium is tolerated and widely known. The venerable castle is located on a hill in the south of Toran, here interested people can find access to the arts of the magic of the dead.