The flits are small, winged creatures that have great similarity with the Elves. Their body proportions and also the pointy ears resemble those of the elves. The Flits reach an average height of about 60 to 70 finger. However, the wings that spring from their shoulder blades can vary from Flit to Flit.
One Flit has two bat wings, another has two feathered wings, and another has two butterfly wings, but the most common is four dragonfly wings. All Flits must first learn to fly, just as a human or elf must first learn to walk. Later, however, they can remain stationary in the air.
The geography of the Flit Isle
In the sea strait between Asgoran, the island of Lerca and the territory of the Nur'Tuk lies the island of the Flits. A mountain range towers high on the island, which can be seen by travelers by ship from a great distance. While the island is surrounded by a wide sandy beach, the landscape rises very quickly into a rugged mountain range that quickly becomes impassable to the legs of men, rising steeply into the sky.
At the bottom of these mountains lie the cave villages of the tribes of the coast, inhabited by those Flits who do not belong to the High Houses. On the tops of the mountains are both the cities of the High Houses and the royal palace of King Joseph.
The Flit People
Although the Flits appear to be a free, living people from the human point of view, they are divided into strict classes that have set rites. Particularly noteworthy is their hospitality to humans. Since ancient times, a special bond has existed between the peoples of the Humans and the Flits, based in part on King Joseph's fondness for humans.
The tribes of the coast
The lowest class is formed by the tribes of the coast. The Flits here live in caves along the coast in their tribes among themselves. The tribal communities rarely mix with other tribes, and contact with the High Flits of the Mountain is rare. The 6 tribes of the coast are:
- Ohtli - Whose chief is Patli.
- Nahuaco - whose chief is Tepin
- Zuma - whose chief is Mazahuani
- Sacmac - Whose chief is Tepir
- Namacui - Whose chief is Nochtli
- Tochmina - Whose chief is Hueco
The Flits of the Coast are forbidden to leave the island, their entire life takes place in the area around their villages. If a Flit of the Coast leaves the Island of the Flits, he is banished from it and is never allowed to return.
The houses of the mountain
The highest class of the Flits are the houses of the mountain. Located high on the peaks of the island's mountains are the cities of the high houses. In the hierarchy of the Flit classes, these Houses are at the top, above even King Joseph in the daily business of politics (of which there is relatively little in the lives of the Flits anyway). The 4 houses of the mountain are:
- Chipahua - Led by the great Mecatia.
- Acalan - Led by the great Iccauhtli
- Zolin - Led by the great Tenoch
- Mecatl - Led by the great Montezuma
The Flits of the Mountain are free to move about, and may leave and re-enter the island at will.
King Joseph
The Flit people are led by King Joseph, who is also addressed as Jose, among others. There is much to tell about Joseph, he is special in more ways than one.
No one knows the origin of the kingship in the realm of the Flits, which is also due to the fact that Flits have no written history except for ornamental relief inscriptions. It is said that King Joseph was already there when the Flit people appeared in the world.
Besides the unknown age of Joseph and the fact that he has always been the King of the Flits, it may be noted that his power is very limited in his own realm. It seems that the whole class system does not interest him much, nor the events in his own country. As long as there is peace and everyone can find happiness in his own way, he does not seem to be interested. Only the rare contacts with people Joseph does not let himself be taken, here the houses of the mountains have no power.
"Flits? Oh, them! Sorry, they're too hectic for me!" ~ Zwiuretz Blakdarn, Gargoyl Warrior.
"Well, I still wonder why the giants call us hectic. How can we help it that they're so slow-witted?" ~ Srrriiiehuuuh, Flit Assasin.
Then there are the so-called Flits, a folk of small human- or elf-like creatures, who talk so fast that you lose all sense of hearing and seeing. These flits, their own name for their people remains unpronounceable for the other peoples. Yes, these flits, the reason for their name they carry on their own back, there they carry wings, why they are also called Flits. Uh... Anyway, these Flits are about half a meter tall. Their wings, which, as I said, are the reason for their name, are of varied shape, as is their hairstyle. Their skin can also be of various colors, be it the finest alabaster white, delicate pink, dark, brown, purple, violet or even the color of ebony. Their hair is also of all possible colors. They live in loose groups all over Tirakan. They probably also know a king, who is called Joseph by them..." ~ from the conversations Wohals of the old man.
"Good morning Joseph." - "Morning king." - "Morjen, morjen, ..." ~ scene at the court of King Joseph.
"Well, there are some things about the Flits that I don't understand. For example, the thing about this "King Joseph". He has been around for thousands of years without aging or dying. There have also been several assassinations of him, some even with Shanuah, a poison that kills even a dragon. But he has survived them all. I,...I just don't understand it..." ~ Esmeralda, Toranian Assassin.
Flits are always good-humored and cheerful, and live up to this, which sometimes causes other peoples to call them nags and pests. Their almost inexhaustible energy and constant optimism can also be quite annoying at times. These characteristics mean that it is extremely rare to meet a bad-tempered or even depressed Flits.
The language of the Flits, called "Flugsch", is extremely fast and very bright.
The Flits call themselves "Kinuarh lö Plaios", which means "Children of the Wind". Therefore, the patron god of all Flits is Pailos, the Titan of the Air, and of course "King Joseph." The Flits live in an anarchistic monarchy, their king is "King Joseph", whom they love very much, and even the darkest Flits death knight or the most power-hungry Flits assassin would rather commit suicide than harm their king. Nevertheless, the Flits have no, or rather hardly any, political weight on Tirakan, since there is a king, but that's it for government. The Flits reject any system of government except their own, of course, because they cannot stand the idea that there is anyone above them except the gods. Thus, it is no wonder that every Flit rejects monarchy as a fraud and a sham, and that the title of king is really only a form of address for them, without any privileges. They believe that no mortal being should rule others. This is a sign of intolerance for them, and this the Flits hate very much. For Flits, what they mean by "living" is this:
- freedom of expression,
- to do what they feel like doing (with respect for other living beings),
- freedom of thought,
- not to take orders they can't defend,
that is, complete freedom, and they believe this is not possible in any system of government except their own. Consequently, the humans, dwarves, elves, and so on do not live, but only vegetate. And hardly a Flit wants to end up like that, he wants to live. Every Flit must visit the king once in his life and be blessed by him. So it is the (only) task of the king to bless every Flit, for this purpose the Flits bring exquisite food and drinks. The King dines and converses with his guest for about 1 hour, after which the Flit receives his blessing.
- W% - Skin Colour:
- 01-15 - Alabaster White
- 16-30 - Brown
- 31-45 - Rosy
- 46-60 - Ebony
- 61-75 - Purple
- 76-90 - Pitch black
91-00 - Beige
W% - Eye colour:
- 01-06 - Black
- 07-12 - Purple
- 13-18 - Emerald green
- 19-24 - Ruby red
- 25-30 - Sapphire blue
- 31-36 - Amnethyst
- 37-42 - Hematite
- 43-48 - White
- 49-54 - Brown
- 55-60 - Yellow
- 61-66 - Grey
- 67-72 - Blue grey
- 73-78 - Oil colours ²
- 79-89 - Silver
90-00 - Gold
W% - Hair color:
- 01-04 - Silver
- 05-08 - Golden
- 09-12 - Alabaster White
- 13-16 - Hematite
- 17-20 - Purple
- 21-24 - Ebony
- 25-28 - pitch black
- 29-32 - Blond
- 33-36 - Light blonde
- 37-40 - Dark blonde
- 41-44 - Brown
- 45-48 - Light brown
- 49-52 - Dark brown
- 53-56 - Fire red
- 57-60 - Red brown
- 60-63 - Ruby red
- 63-66 - Indigo blue
- 67-70 - Sapphire blue
- 71-74 - Black
- 75-78 - Blood red
- 79-82 - Grey
- 83-89 - Oil colours ²
90-00 - mixed
W% - Wing color:
- 01-10 - Transparent
- 10-20 - Oil paint ²
- 21-24 - Silver
- 25-29 - Golden
- 30-33 - Alabaster White
- 34-36 - Hematite
- 37-39 - Purple
- 40-42 - Ebony
- 43-45 - Pitch black
- 46-48 - Gray
- 49-51 - Blood Red
- 52-54 - Orange
- 55-57 - Light blue
- 58-60 - Pink
- 61-63 - Yellow
- 64-66 - Amnethyst
- 67-69 - Fire red
- 70-72 - Ruby red
- 73-75 - Indigo blue
- 76-79 - Sapphire Blue
- 80-82 - Black
- 83-85 - Emerald green
- 86-00 - Mixed ³
- ²) Oil paint is black, but shimmers in all spectral colors.
- ³) Color is mixed,i.e. dice out two colors, if you roll again on "mixed", an additional color will be added.
- Man: 3W 10 + 50cm
- Woman: 3W 10 + 45cm
- Height - (W 10 + 50)kg