Meat mushroom

The meat mushroom is often found in damp caves and in damp places protected from light, and grows up to one step high and 20 stones in weight, is dark brown and of similarly coloured flesh. It is edible, well digestible, tastes a little like deer and has a satiating and thirst-quenching effect.

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Meat mushroom Meat mushroom

The meat mushroom is often found in damp caves and in damp places protected from light, and grows up to one step high and 20 stones in weight, is dark brown and of similarly coloured flesh. It is edible, well digestible, tastes a little like deer and has a satiating and thirst-quenching effect.

A meat mushroom one step high is enough to feed 20 adults for a day. It is considered a delicacy in some areas because when you prepare venison with mushrooms, you have the two main ingredients together and there are no troublesome bones in the food.