Astaniel - Seraph of Algor

"Woe to him whom the wrath of Astaniel befalls, for his judgement is just and severe!" - Great Book of Consecrations, 1500 b. EC.

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Astaniel - Seraph of Algor Astaniel - Seraph of Algor
Lesser: The Arrows of Astaniel (3): Astaniel will show the believer the way, and so the believer can ask for a signpost, which always points north for him, and so represents a compass. The arrows are visible to the believer and are formed in the sky from clouds or the like. The arrows are visible for faith level days.
Higher: Astaniel's wrath (19): Woe to the unfortunate on whom Astaniel's wrath descends. If a priest requests this effect, the unfortunate victim is surrounded by an aura of pain. He feels a perpetual pain which causes faith level wounds per day. Astaniel will only unleash his wrath against sinners, never against someone who is blameless.
Lesser: The Arrows of Astaniel (3): Astaniel will show the believer the way, and so the believer can ask for a signpost, which always points north for him, and so represents a compass. The arrows are visible to the believer and are formed in the sky from clouds or the like. The arrows are visible for faith level days.
Higher: Astaniel's wrath (19): Woe to the unfortunate on whom Astaniel's wrath descends. If a priest requests this effect, the unfortunate victim is surrounded by an aura of pain. He feels a perpetual pain which causes faith level wounds per day. Astaniel will only unleash his wrath against sinners, never against someone who is blameless.

"Woe to him whom the wrath of Astaniel befalls, for his judgement is just and severe!" - Great Book of Consecrations, 1500 b. EC.

Astaniel's appearance is rarely spoken of, as Algor is generally far from punishing... but woe to the one who is exposed to Astaniel's unrestrained wrath. Whoever receives this "honour" must have done much wrong to deserve such punishment. With his shining bow, scorching arrows, flaming sword and burning wings, Astaniel descends upon Tirakan to avenge those who were unable to do so themselves....