The Xordai differ in their beliefs from most of the cultures of Tirakan. These worship in many forms the four or seven Gods, who are also considered by Humans to be the highest beings in the world. The Xordai, however, pray to the two Gods Argorin and Dargumir.
Argorin is the reverent one who respects life in all its forms. He is the creator who keeps the embers alive within the world. His deeds are wise, and he knows his way to a better world without the terrible Sethlarn.
Although the Gods of Xordai are opposites, both are worshipped in the same spirit. Xordai live about 800 years, and so death and oblivion play a rather minor role. In addition, Dargumir is Argorin's companion, and thus deserves their respect in any case. This view has led to two currents in Xordai culture. Although the majority of the dwarven people follow Argorin's paths, there is no small group of preachers of Dargumir who follow Dargumir's teachings.