Temporal drop pod

The temporal drop pod is a capsule which can comfortably transport up to 5 people. The cylindrical vehicle has a height of about 4 meters, and measures about 3 meters in diameter.

Temporal drop pod Temporal drop pod

The temporal drop pod is a capsule which can comfortably transport up to 5 people. The cylindrical vehicle has a height of about 4 meters, and measures about 3 meters in diameter.

Unlike a regular flying vehicle, the temporal drop pod does not move in our three-dimensional space, but also in time. As the name drop pod suggests, the movement here is passive - the device must be launched from HQ and circulates through time (and space) to a specified location in space and in a programmed time. Temporal drop pods are usually retrieved by teleporters via universal communicator signal and cannot return on their own.

Thus, deploying agents via teleporter is usually preferable to drop pods.

  • Torso: 4 wounds
  • Signature: tiny
  • Movement: stationary, time jump
  • Crew: 1-5 agents
  • Weaponry: none
  • Modules: Translocator, Temporal Translocator.