In addition to alien technology, the NEXUS operates its own aircraft and buildings, some of which are equipped with special technology. For example, some vehicles can move in time. In addition, most of the aircraft are armed.
The Phoenix attack glider is a slim glider of sky blue color. Numerous aircraft of this model were built for the NEXUS and are in its service. The Phoenix is not only used for armed combat, it also does an excellent job in reconnaissance.
The temporal drop pod is a capsule which can comfortably transport up to 5 people. The cylindrical vehicle has a height of about 4 meters, and measures about 3 meters in diameter.
The floating oil tank Brent Spar in the North Sea has been sunk since 1998, that is the assumption of most people. In contrast, the N.E.X.U.S. has bought the platform and equipped it with the latest technology in a secret dock. Thus, the platform is now equipped with an alien translocator, which can teleport it around the oceans in a nearly animate manner.
The flying HQ Hræsvelgr is intended as an emergency center and is usually not in use. The large ship has a cloaking device and a translocator. It can therefore change location, but not travel in time. The armament is equivalent to a good base for an HQ, it is better equipped than any other ship of the NEXUS.