Luta Snækoldottir

Human - Knacker, Medicus
A glimmer of Magic

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Dice Log
  • Combat Actions 3
  • Minimum Roll 5+
Persona Dice
Physis Dice
Knowledge Dice
Skills Dice
Skills Dice




On Body
Action Dice Notes Cap. Range
Evade Movement
Particular vigilance Talent

At the beginning of a fight, the character receives one action, which, however, can only be used to react. Once the character's turn begins in the first round of combat, his actions override this additional action.

Blessing of the Gods Talent

You can imbue your Weapon with Godly power to destroy the divene essence of another beeing. You have 3 charges. Roll 1d6 you need a 5 or better to channel the power into your weapon. You have 1 Attack which has to to atleast do 1 wound. The enemy gets to roll 1d6 if he dosnt roll a 5 or higher his divine essence is shattert an he is mortal for 1 round

Walk Movement You can perform an action while walking. The minimum roll for this action is raised by 1. 3 Meter
Run Movement You can't perform an action while running. 7 Meter
Crawl Movement Crawling is only possible while hunkered. 2 Meter
Hunker Movement Applies the "Hunkered" status effect. Hunkered characters have a 6+ cover and a +1 minimum roll for physis, attacks and skills.
Aim Combat Reduces the minimum roll for critical hits by 1 per action. This is not possible when using burst mode. The aim bonus is lost when the character is hit.

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