A glimmer of Magic

A campaign by elinnar

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Dice Log

Eure Charaktere kennen allerdings Magie nur aus alten Legenden so das ihr ersteinmal keine Schablonen daraus nutzen könnt. Ihr seid alle Bewohner des Dorfes Skaro am Fluss Dunbriand oder kommt aus dem Umland. Allerdings ist das nächste Dorf 1 Tagesreise bei Pferd entfernt. Im Dorf kennt sich eigentlich jeder, genauso wie man die Regelmässigen Besucher des Dorfes kennt. Kulturell ähnelt es am ehesten einem Wikinger Dorf, so das Schifffahrt eine essentielle Rolle spielt. Vor kurzen ist per Schiff ein Fremder aus der "Ferne" in das Dorf gekommen und es kursieren diverse gerüchte was dieser hier will.


World Froeleikrfold
Epoch Middle ages, Vikings and Crusades
Extensions Magic
Currency Map Taler
Seed Money 2000
Additional starting career points 0
Character Visibility All
NPC Visibility All
Foe Visibility All
Game Log Visibility All
Discord Dice Rolls Yes
Character Player Latest Initiative Wounds Status Arcana Stress Dice
NPC Latest Initiative Wounds Status Arcana Stress Dice
Foe Wounds Protection Arcana Actions Perception Walking Range Minimum Roll
Schwanzspitze von Mollywog (Tiefling)

Nachdem die Helden Molly, nachdem er sie zweimal verraten hatte, in ihrer Zelle umgebracht haben, hat Luta ihm die Schwanzspitze abgeschnitten.

Orlka Hunting Knife

A hunting knife of a giant, made of strange black stone. Human Fighters may use it as a short sword, but it causes bleeding 1, if an attack causes at least one wound.

Range 2 (The weapon can be used at a range of 2 meters)
Concealment 2 (Describes how easy the weapon is to conceal)
Preparation 0 (The weapon requires 0 actions to ready it)
Capacity 1 (The weapon can fire 1 times before it needs to be reloaded.)
Damage Potential 3 (Add 3 dice to the hit roll)

Avatar of the storm

15 Air - Conjuration

The caster consumes all his arcana and becomes the focus of a raging storm. For 3d6 + Arcana spent rounds, all surrounding creatures take electrical damage equal to the power of the spell.

All creatures within the area of effect must make a Athletics roll with 2 successes per round or be thrown to the ground by the raging wind.

Origin: Elemental Magic
Spell Casting: Charm
Range: 25
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 2
Duration: 3d6 + Arcana spent rounds

Small sandstorm

5 Air - Transmutation

The caster concentrates and stirs up dust, earth or sand within their line of sight. A small sandstorm 2 paces high and 2 paces wide forms for 1d4 rounds.

Anyone in the centre of the sandstorm must make a Perception check, with at least as many successes as the spell's power. Otherwise, they are blind for the duration of the spell, with all penalties to blindness.

Origin: Elemental Magic
Spell Casting: Deftness
Range: 10
Shape: Cloud
Actions: 1
Duration: 1d4 rounds

Absorb magic

5 Arcana - Abjuration

The caster can absorb arcana from a magical object or creature. Arcana power is transferred from the target to the caster.

A magical creature rolls on its willpower. For each success on this roll, the amount of arcana transferred is reduced by 1.

Origin: Hermeticism
Spell Casting: Logic
Range: 15
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Instant


10 Air - Conjuration

The caster summons a creature of pure elemental energy for power rounds to aid them in battle.

Origin: Elemental Magic
Spell Casting: Charm
Range: 10
Shape: -
Actions: 2
Duration: Power rounds

Water breathing

5 Water - Transmutation

The caster says the words Þat mælti mín móðir, at mér skyldi kaupa fley ok fagrar árar.

The caster casts a spell on themselves or someone they can touch.

The enchanted person is able to breathe underwater for spell power *2 minutes. When the spell ends, the enchanted person must say something in their natural language to be able to breathe air again.

Origin: Elemental Magic
Spell Casting: Deftness
Range: 0
Shape: -
Actions: 1
Duration: Power * 2 minutes
Crit Count
Crit Sum
Exploding Dice Count
Exploding Dice Sum
Successes Count
Successes Sum
Fails Count
Fails Sum
Highest single dice roll
Total Sum